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2025 IndyCar Series Kicks Off on Streets of St. Petersburg

Grand Prix of St. Petersburg is back. Here’s what you need to know

This is the first of two posts on the two biggest races in America this weekend:

One of the sport’s best drivers, Scott McLaughlin is part of IndyCar’s powerhouse Team Penske and has won more than 10% of the races he’s participated in.

Scott Thomas McLaughlin will be 100 days before his birthday:

McLaughlin and Scott Thomas McLaughlin both = 100

The track in St. Petersburg features a straight that uses a runway from Albert Whitted Airport.

"Albert Whitted Airport" = 100 (Reduction)

New Zealand & SVG

McLaughlin was born in New Zealand. That’s also the birthplace of NASCAR driver Shane van Gisbergen, who broke through into NASCAR’s Cup Series in a big way when he won his first race, which was held in Chicago in 2023. See my post about that road course victory.

Both of these Kiwis have matching gematria with St. Petersburg.

McLaughlin = 170, 338, and 338, Shane van Gisbergen = 170 and 338, St Petersburg = 170 and 338, Firestone Grand Prix of St Petersburg = 170

Moon and Florida both = 170 Latin

Scott is from Christchurch, New Zealand. In 2019, there was reportedly a mass shooting at a mosque in Christchurch which was all synced to Lunar Eclipses, and it happened while it was still Pi Day in America. Just twelve days after IndyCar’s first race, a Lunar Eclipse falls on Pi Day. This will be the last IndyCar race before that celestial event.

Moon = 218 Hebrew, Death = 218 Standard

Sunday will be 20 Lunar phases, 18 days after SVG’s win:

"Josef Newgarden" = 2108 (Squares)

This weekend’s favorite

"Christchurch New Zealand" = 2108 (Latin)

The shooting in Christchurch, New Zealand was a span of 2180 days before the Firestone GP and exactly 72 months before the Pi Day Lunar Eclipse:

"Lunar eclipse" = 72 (Reverse Reduction)

"Mosque" = 72 (Reverse)

Scott Thomas McLaughlin will be 11600 days old for the Pi Day Eclipse:

St Petersburg Florida = 116, Scott Thomas McLaughlin = 116 and 82, Pi Day Lunar eclipse = 82

Pi & “The Circle”

"Christchurch" = 69 (Reverse Reduction)

Pi, Circles, Lunar, and Eclipse all sum to 69.

Pi = 69 Latin and Circles = 69 Ordinal

Lunar and Eclipse both = 69

IndyCar’s first race of 2025 falls 609 days after SVG’s debut victory and a span of 69 days before his birthday:McLaughlin was 360 months of age when SVG won the race in Chicago:

In Latin gematria, Six circles = 609 and Three point one four = 888

The Kiwi speedster will be 11588 days old:

SVG won his debut race in Chicago, which sits along the 88th meridian. Sunday marks the start of the 88th week since that victory, and he now drives the #88 stock car. The first ever Pi Day was celebrated in the year ’88, which is made up of all circles. McLaughlin’s next win will be the 8th of his career.

March 2nd will be a span of exactly 47 weeks after the Great American Total eclipse:

"Total eclipse" = 47 (Reduction)

"The Circle" = 47 (Reduction)

The most prestigious open-wheel racing series in America kicks off on a date with Primary numerology of 50, which is March 2nd, or 3/2:(3) + (2) + (20) + (25) = 50

Circle and America both = 50 and 32

"Grand Prix of St Petersburg" = 302 (Ordinal) and "St Pete" = 32 (Reverse Reduction)

The race will be in St. Petersburg, Florida, which is also known as “St. Pete.”

"St Pete" = 360 (Latin)

McLaughlin was 360 months of age when SVG won the race in Chicago:

There are 360 degrees in a circle.

"Three hundred sixty" = 227 (Ordinal)

Twenty two divided by seven = 314 Ordinal

The 2025 Firestone GP happens 22 Sidereal months, 7 days after the inaugural Grant Park 220 won by SVG:

McLaughlin made his IndyCar debut at St. Petersburg in 2020.

Sunday’s race in St. Pete falls 227 weeks after his debut in St. Pete:

St. Petersburg is also where McLaughlin picked up his first career victory. It happened on February 27th, or 2/27:

The Firestone Grand Prix falls 157 weeks after his first victory on 2/27:

"United States" = 157 (Ordinal) and "New Zealand" = 157 (Capitals Added)

157 is half of 314
3.14 is Pi

Scott Thomas McLaughlin = 314 and 2083

The 314th Prime number is 2083

"Six hundred and sixty six" = 2083 (Latin)

Mathematics of the circle and Mathematical perfection both = 666 Latin

"Pi Day Eclipse" = 666 (Latin)

"Firestone" = 666 (Sumerian)

Scott was 9999 days old for his 2020 debut at the Firestone Grand Prix:

Circles and Eclipse both = 33, S330, The Sun = 33, America = 330

Mar. 2nd will be 3 years, 3 days after his first win at the same track:

McLaughlin was born a span of 33 days after SVG’s birthday:

Thirty-three and Christchurch both = 66 Reduction

More Notes

Shane van Gisbergen will be 13081 days of age on Sunday:

1381 is the 221st Prime number

Shane van Gisbergen will be 13081 days of age on Sunday:

SVG has Primary birth numerology of 122:(5) + (9) + (19) + (89) = 122

The Firestone GP will be held 122 days before July 2nd:

"Grand Prix of St Petersburg" = 122 (Reduction)

McLaughlin hasn’t won since August 31st last year, which was the date leaving 122 days in the year:

"Skull and Bones" = 149 (Ordinal)

Scott McLaughlin was a span of 10490 days old for his first win and 30 years, 22 days of age for SVG’s maiden win:

The Pi Day Eclipse happens on a date with Primary numerology of 62:(3) + (14) + (20) + (25) = 62

Sunday will be 6 months, 2 days after his last first-place finish:

McLaughlin picked up his first IndyCar win 70 weeks after his first race. SVG won his first Cup race 70 weeks later. Scott was born exactly 7 years, 7 weeks before Marcus Armstrong, the other IndyCar driver born in Christchurch, New Zealand.

St Pete and United States both = 77

See McLaughlin’s fascinating connections to one NASCAR driver in particular:

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