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Actress Michelle Trachtenberg Found Dead @ 39

Michelle Trachtenberg, 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer' star, dead at 39

This potential Sacrifice occurred on February 26th, or 2/26, a date with Primary numerology of 73:(2) + (26) + (20) + (25) = 73

Sacrifice = 226, 73, and 62

The 62nd Prime number is 293

Michelle Christine Trachtenberg died exactly 293 months after her first appearance on Buffy The Vampire Slayer:

"Michelle Christine Trachtenberg" = 293 (Ordinal)

The date of Trachtenberg’s first appearance is very significant, as this post will reveal.

Buffy was played by Sarah Michelle Gellar, who has Primary birth numerology of 114:

"Buffy" = 1014 (Standard) and "Sarah Michelle Gellar" = 1014 (Sumerian)

Sarah was a span of exactly 101 months, 4 weeks older than Michelle:

World Trade Center &
The Georgia Guidestones

Trachtenberg reportedly died on 2/26, or February 26th. On the date February 26th of the year ’93, the World Trade Center was bombed:

"Larry Silverstein" = 226 (Ordinal)

Michelle was 39 years old

She died a span of exactly 39 weeks after Larry Silverstein’s 93rd birthday:

Her premiere on Buffy was 93 Lunar phases after the WTC bombing:

The 93rd Prime number is 487

Michelle’s body was found just one day after she turned 487 Lunar phases old:

The actress died exactly 32 years after the World Trade Center bombing and exactly 302 Lunar phases after her debut on Buffy:

Her debut on Buffy the Vampire Slayer occurred in an episode called Buffy vs. Dracula.

"Buffy vs Dracula" = 320 (Capitals Mixed)

Dawn first appeared on Buffy 3 years, 200 days after the first episode:

Sarah Michelle Gellar turned exactly 302 Lunations old two days after the 9/11 attacks:

The 32nd Prime number is 131

World Trade Center bombing and Ritual human sacrifice both = 131 Reverse Reduction

The two co-stars’ birthdays are separated by 185 days:

Michelle Trachtenberg was exactly 185 Lunar phases and exactly 200 Sidereal months old when she first starred in Buffy:

It was also 185 weeks after the show’s premiere and 200 days after its anniversary:

Or 1296 days (1085th Composite number)

World Trade Center = 185 and Georgia Guidestones = 200

The World Trade Center was destroyed in 2001. The Georgia Guidestones were bombed in 2022. Michelle Trachtenberg played a character named Dawn Summers.

Michelle Trachtenberg Dawn Summers = 2001 Latin and 2021 Standard

The Dawn Summers character was first shown 11 months, 16 days before the attacks of 9/11/01:

Michelle was born on October 11th, or 10/11:

"World Trade Center" = 1110 (Sumerian)

The World Trade Center collapsed on the date leaving 111 days in the year, which was also the 254th day on the calendar:

Trachtenberg died at 2054 weeks of age:

"Skull and Bones" = 254 (Reverse Caps Added)

Trachtenberg died exactly 138 weeks after the Georgia Guidestones were bombed:

Buffy was created by writer/director Joss Whedon. Michelle Christine Trachtenberg, who played a character named Blood Moon in A Midsummer Night’s Ream, had originally undergone a liver transplant and died the same day Gene Hackman and his wife were found dead.

"Buffy" = 1308 (Reverse Standard)

"Joss Whedon" = 138 (Reverse)

"Christine" = 138 (Reverse)

"Blood Moon" = 138 (Reverse)

"Liver failure" = 138 (Ordinal)

"Hackman" = 138 (Reverse)

Gellar was 1038 weeks old when the show premiered:

"Michelle Christine Trachtenberg" = 1308 (Satanic)

"The World Trade Center" = 1308 (Sumerian)

Michelle Christine Trachtenberg died 138 days after her last birthday and a span of 228 days before her next:

"Buffy the Vampire Slayer" = 2208 (Latin)

"Michelle Trachtenberg Dawn Summers" = 2028 (Sumerian), Death = 228 Sumerian and 213 Satanic, "Vampire slayer" = 213 (Reverse Caps Added)

Her Death also fell a span of 213 days before the anniversary of her first appearance on the show:

That September 26th date was 213 days after the anniversary of the WTC bombing, or a total of 101 Sidereal months, 9 days.

Yale Skull and Bones

Vampire slayer also sums to 65, matching the Reverse  value of Yale.

"Vampire slayer" = 65 (Reduction)

"Yale" = 65 (Reverse)

The 65th Prime number is 313

Feb. 26th was a span of exactly 31 months, 3 weeks after the Georgia Guidestones were bombed:

The two on-screen sisters were born a span of 3103 days apart:

Sarah turned 313 months old a week before the show’s finale:

It’s been 313 Sidereal months since the 9/11 attacks in 2001:

Michelle Trachtenberg Dawn Summers = 2001 Latin and 140 Reduction

"Skull Bones" = 140 (Reverse)

The World Trade Center was bombed on a date with Primary numerology of 140:(2) + (26) + (19) + (93) = 140

Michelle passed away 323 years, 140 days after Yale was founded:

Michelle’s body was found 32 weeks, 3 days before her birthday:

Buffy the Vampire Slayer lasted for 323 weeks:

323 is just one off from the secret society’s most significant number, 322.

Buffy aired its finale 322 Lunar phases, 23 days after Gellar was born and 32 phases, 21 days after Dawn Summers was first shown:

Collapse of the World Trade Center and The World Trade Center both = 322

The Georgia Guidestones opened on March 22nd, written 3/22 or 22/3:

"Skull and Crossbones" = 223 (Ordinal)

Three hundred twenty two and Two hundred twenty three both = 106, Yale and Pi both = 16

The actress departed 16 days before the Pi Day Eclipse:

The 16th Prime number is 53

February 26th had Standard numerology of 53:(2) + (26) + (25) = 53

The headquarters of the Skull and Bones society sits at 64 High Street:

Sarah was exactly 640 Sidereal months old when Michelle died:

In Satanic gematria, Skull and Bones = 604 and Secret society = 640 Reverse

More Notes

The Pi Day Eclipse occurs 10231 days after the series premiere of Buffy:

The Georgia Guidestones were topped during Brown Lunation # 1231:

1231 is the 202nd Prime number

The Brotherhood of Death = 220 and Skull and Bones = 202

The Pi Day Eclipse falls exactly 527 Lunar orbits after Trachtenberg was born:

Skull & Bones = 527 Latin

Sarah Michelle Gellar was born during Brown Lunation # 671:

Buffy lasted on the air 6 years, 71 days:

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