Christchurch Shooting a Massive Pi Ritual
The shooting in Christchurch within the past day was an extreme pi ritual.
To begin, it’s being reported that 49 people died. The word Pi sums to 49 in both primary Kabbalah ciphers.
The 49th Prime number is 227
22÷7 = 3.14…
(Alt + 227) = π = 3.14…
When the shooting occurred, it was still 3/14 in the West
It was March 15th, or 15/3 in Christchurch, New Zealand
The Reverse of 153 is 351
Let’s check out how this event lines up with all the major New Zealand officials:
Although the Queen is at the top, she resides in England, so we’ll focus on the more local politicians first.
Governor-General Reddy
Patsy Reddy has matching gematria with the circle

The Freemasonic compass, which draws the circle, is set to 47 degrees:
Reddy is 777 months old:
Seven hundred seventy-seven is the first number to sum to 314 in Ordinal without the word “and”
Three point one four sums to 224
Reddy has been in office for exactly 2 years, 24 weeks:
Patsy Reddy was born on the 137th day of the year:
137 is the 33rd Prime number
Reddy is 303 days after her birthday:
Prime Minister Ardern
Jacinda Ardern was born on a date with Reduced numerology of 33
She’s exactly 2016 weeks old:
She’s been in office for 72 weeks, 2 days:
22÷7 = 3.14
Queen Elizabeth
Queen Elizabeth II is 37 / 38 days before her birthday:
She became the queen on the date February 6th, meaning this same date is also 37 / 38 days later:
She became Queen on 2/6 (or 6/2) and her coronation was held on 6/2 (or 2/6)
Chief of Police
The Commissioner of Police in New Zealand is Mike Bush, who assumed the role on April 3rd, 2014:
This date can be written either 3/4 or 4/3
On the date of the shooting, he was in office for 1807 days:
187 is the homicide code, and also a number of Freemasonry:
New Zealand’s Independence Day
September 26th is written 26/9 in New Zealand
269 is the 57th Prime number
The shooting fell on a date with Full numerology of 57
1361 is the 218th Prime number
It’s also a span of 196 days before New Zealand’s Independence Day. The shooters uploaded a manifesto called The Great Replacement
It was on March 15th, aka the Ides of March
196 is 14×14
One of the guns from the livestream footage had 1414 written on it.
h/t to Archaic on Twitter for this nugget:
The game Counter Strike, a first-person shooter, was released on the 314th day of 2000, a leap year:
The Christchurch shooting, which was the first massacre captured from a first-person perspective, went down 220 months, 7 days later:
This is also exactly 6700 days. 67 is the 19th Prime number, and 19 is associated with Islam.