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Pro Wrestler and Booker Kevin Sullivan Dies @ 74

WWE legend Kevin Sullivan dead at 74 after ‘devastating accident’

In the early 80’s, Kevin Sullivan (who wasn’t really even 74 years old) debuted a gimmick called The Prince of Darkness, portraying a dark cult leader. This was right around the same time that the musician Prince was approaching the peak of his popularity.

"Devastating accident" = 332 (Reverse)

Sullivan died 3032 days after Prince:

Kevin Sullivan was born during Brown Lunation # 332:

He was born in and died in the Boston metro area.

"Boston" = 332 (Latin)

"Blood sacrifice" = 332 (Latin)

Kevin’s death was also 8 years, 110 days after Prince’s:

This year, the date 8/11 falls a span of 66 years, 66 days after Prince was born:

Occultists seem to be fond of the number 666.

Kevin’s ex-wife would have been 21,999 days old when he died:

Sullivan = 660, Booker and Woman both = 66

Inauguration Day 2025 falls exactly 666 months after the first Moon landing.

National Aeronautics and Space Administration = 666 Reverse, Fake Moon landing = 666 Satanic, Apollo = 666 Fibonacci

Nancy Benoit / Kamala Harris

Kevin Sullivan was married for over a decade to his first wife Nancy Toffolini, who also served as his valet, accompanying him to the ring and sometimes getting involved in his matches to help him win.

In the mid-1990’s, Sullivan, who had become a booker behind the scenes, wrote a storyline that put his own real-life wife together with Chris Benoit in an on-screen relationship, where they would feud against Sullivan.

The on-screen romance between Nancy and Chris soon became a real one, however, and she divorced Kevin in 1997. Three years later, she married Chris. Although their relationship seemed decent on the surface, it would end tragically in a double-murder and suicide.

A month and a half ago, I made this post about a new riddle in WWE and NASCAR that was synced to Chris Benoit and Freemasonry’s anniversary. Lo and behold, I’m sitting here decoding Kevin Sullivan’s death not even seven weeks later.

"Kevin Sullivan" = 1404 (Standard)

Kevin Sullivan has reportedly died from complications of a Devastating accident on the date leaving 144 days in the year, which is also the 222nd day of a Leap year:

Devastating accident = 1222 and 116, Nancy Elizabeth Toffolini = 2220 and 116

Nancy Elizabeth Toffolini would have been a span of 22000 days old when Sullivan passed away:

Kevin and Chris were born 222 months apart:

Toffolini served as Sullivan’s ring valet under the name Woman (how flattering). Kamala Harris is trying to be the first Woman to become President.

Kamala Harris, President Kamala Harris, and President Harris all = 222

Kamala Harris was born 22 weeks, 2 days after Nancy Toffolini (“Woman”):

In Fibonacci, both Kamala Harris and Woman = 614

Kamala is the current Vice President, a role she was nominated for just two days after the death of a pro wrestler named Kamala, whose real last name is Harris. See my post on that from 2020.

The wrestler Kamala died on Aug. 9th
Kevin Sullivan died on Aug. 9th

Kamala Harris was a U.S. Senator at the time. WWE’s “Kamala” was born in Senatobia.

James “Kamala” Harris died a span of 74 days after his birthday:

Most outlets are falsely reporting that Kevin died at age 74. He was actually 75.

Sullivan died a span of 74 days after Kamala’s 74th birthday:

Jesus, Killing, Cross, Messiah, Gospel, and Parables all = 74 Ordinal

Kevin and Jesus both = 74 and 61

It happened on a date with Primary numerology of 61:(8) + (9) + (20) + (24) = 61

James Kamala Harris = 61 and 1057

Toffolini was born 157 days before Kamala Harris and exactly 157 weeks before Chris Benoit:

These are the same three digits in the birthday of Nancy Benoit, which was 17/5.

Chris Benoit and Nancy Benoit both = 175 Reverse

Their bodies were found on the 175th day of the year:

Chris Benoit

The name Christopher means “Christ-bearer.”

Jesus = 29, Christ = 290, and Jesus Christ = 290

Benoit died exactly 290 years after Freemasonry’s founding:

"Benoit" = 29 (Reduction)

"Toffolini" = 290 (Latin)

Benoit would have been 20900 days old when Kevin Sullivan died:

Kevin and Sullivan both = 29

"Chris" = 210 (Standard)

Chris was born exactly 210 phases of the Moon after Kamala:

"Moon" = 210 (Standard)

Christopher David Bell and Nancy Elizabeth Benoit both = 210 and 330

Christopher David Bell is the name of the NASCAR driver who won on 6/23. the day before the anniversary of Benoit’s death.

James Harris was also a span of 6203 days old when Benoit was born:

Kamala Harris will be 22007 days old on Inauguration Day:

Kamala Harris will be 22007 days old on Inauguration Day:

Donald Trump and Kamala Harris were born exactly 227 Lunar phases (or 220 months, 7 days) apart:

"Prince" = 227 (Standard)

Kamala died exactly 2,777 weeks after Chris Benoit was born:

227 is the 49th Prime number

Kamala Harris was exactly 4 years, 9 months old for the first Moon landing:

"Kamala Harris" = 49 (Reduction)

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