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Former YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki Dies @ 56

Susan Wojcicki, former YouTube CEO, dies at 56

Susan Diane Wojcicki died a span of 190 days before YouTube’s anniversary:

"Susan Diane Wojcicki" = 190 (Ordinal)

It was 540 days after stepping down as the CEO of YouTube:

CEO of YouTube = 54 and 54

Susan was 54 years old when she stepped down:

"Big Tech" = 54 (Ordinal)

This is the second post I’ve made on Susan Wojcicki this year. In February, I made this post on the death of Marco Troper, who was Susan’s son.

It was also a span of exactly 5 months, 4 weeks after Marco died:

This post will also examine the numerical connections to Nasim Aghdam, the YouTube shooter from 2018.

Nasim Aghdam = 540 and 54

Ritual sacrifice = 154 and 251

The 54th Prime number is 251

Marco Troper and Nasim Aghdam both = 142

YouTube was founded on 14/2

Susan stepped down as CEO 1780 days after the Nasim Aghdam shooting, and died 178 days after her son:

"Nasim Aghdam" = 178 (Capitals Mixed)

“Plane Crash”

My post on Marco Troper explains a distinct riddle connecting that story to the terror attacks of September 11th.

Susan reportedly passed away at age 56 on August 9th, 2024. That was the same date as a major Plane crash in Brazil, which I covered in my post from the other day. She died of Non-small-cell lung carcinoma just three days after the 56th anniversary of the start of World Trade Center construction.

"Non small cell lung carcinoma" = 263 (Ordinal)

263 is the 56th Prime number

"Plane crash" = 56 (Reverse Reduction)

Wojcicki died 3838 days after being named the company’s CEO:

"Plane crash" = 308 (Latin)

"Wojcicki" = 38 (Reduction)

The worst day for commercial plane crashes in the U.S. was on 9/11.

Wojcicki was the CEO of YouTube for 9 years, 11 days:

"Divine feminine" = 911 (Latin)

In Satanic, Ritual human sacrifice = 911 and Blood sacrifice = 611

YouTube was founded during Brown Lunation # 1016:

YouTube was founded 1016 weeks (or 7,116 days) before its former CEO died:

"Susan Diane Wojcicki" = 116 (Reverse Reduction)

World Trade Center construction began a span of 33 days after she was born in ’68. She was 33 years, 68 days old for the 9/11 attacks.

Thirteen (13) & Nasim Aghdam

The 9/11 attacks were in 2001

"Thirteen" = 2001 (Reverse Squares)

My post from February also talked a lot about the number Thirteen.

"CEO" = 13 (Reverse Reduction)

Susan passed away a span of 10 months, 30 days after September 11th:

Wojcicki died exactly 130 Lunar phases after she became YouTube’s CEO:

Skull & Bones and Human sacrifice both = 130 Ordinal

"Nasim Najafi Aghdam" = 103 (Reverse Reduction)

"Iran" = 130 (Latin)

The number Thirteen has double gematria of 45.

Thirteen = 45 in both Reduction methods

The YouTube shooting was a span of exactly 45 years after the World Trade Center opened:

Wojcicki was born a span of 4 weeks, 5 days before WTC construction began:

She died 4 months, 5 days after the anniversary of the Twin Towers opening:

Wojcicki was 45 years old when she became YouTube’s CEO:

Susan died 45 weeks after the Jesuit Order’s anniversary:

In 2018, a false flag occurred at YouTube’s headquarters when Nasim Najafi Aghdam, wo was born in Iran on 4/5, allegedly opened fire, although she was the only person who died:

"Nasim Aghdam" = 45 (Reduction)

That shooting was on a date with Primary numerology of 45:(4) + (3) + (20) + (18) = 45

Wojcicki died when Aghdam would have been a span of 45 years, 4 months, 5 days old:

YouTube was founded on the 45th day of the year:

YouTube was founded exactly 45 weeks after her birthday:

Wojcicki was born in 1968 (or ’68)

Nasim Najafi Aghdam = 1968 and 68

WTC construction began on the 6th of August, or 6/8 of ’68.

Wojcicki died 56 years, 3 days after construction began on the World Trade Center:

Wojcicki was 56 months, 30 days old when the Twin Towers opened to the public:

Susan Wojcicki was born during Brown Lunation # 563:

563 is the 103rd Prime number

"WTC" = 1003 (Latin)

Skull and Bones

Susan‘s career in Big Tech started with Google, who made her their employee # 16.

"Susan" = 61 (Reverse)

"Google" = 61 (Ordinal)

Susan died 61 days before Yale’s next anniversary:

Her death fell on a date with Primary numerology of 61, matching the name of her deceased son:(8) + (9) + (20) + (24) = 61

"Marco Troper" = 61 (Reduction)

Skull and Crossbones = 61 and 223

The 223rd Prime number is 1409

"Skull and Bones" = 149 (Ordinal)

149 is the 35th Prime number

The former YouTube CEO died 305 days after Yale’s anniversary and 35 days after her own birthday:

"YouTube" = 35 (Reverse Reduction)

Yale University was founded in 1701

"CEO of YouTube" = 1701 (Standard)

Yale University turned 3874 months old on the date she died:

Killing = 38 and 74

"Susan" = 74 (Ordinal)

Susan was born on a date with Standard numerology of 80:(7) + (5) + (68) = 80

"YouTube" = 80 (Reverse)

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