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Voepass Flight 2283 Crashes in Sao Paulo, Brazil

Plane with 62 people aboard crashes in fiery wreck in Brazil’s Sao Paulo state

On January 1st of 2024, a devastating 7.5 earthquake struck the western coast of Japan. See the Noto Earthquake on Wikipedia.

The very next day, a JapanAir flight crashed upon landing at Haneda Airport, killing five of its passengers. See my post on that event (or even better, my video).

So it appears as if history as repeated itself.

On August 8th, a 7.1 earthquake struck the southern coast of Kyushu, triggering tsunami warnings across the country.

The very next day, on August 9th, a Voepass flight crashed in the Brazilian state of Sao Paulo, likely killing most of (if not all) its passengers.

August 8th (8/08) and 9th are also the anniversary of the 2023 Lahaina, Hawai’i wildfires and subsequent Emergency declaration. Hawai’i lies in the Pacific Ocean, roughly halfway to Japan on the other side.

In January of 2018, residents of Hawai’i received a False alarm = 88 at 8:08 warning of an incoming missile:

The Voepass crash fell 2400 days after the False Alarm and exactly 24 Mercurial years after the 2018 LionAir crash:

The 24th Prime number is 89
The plane went down in Brazil on 8/9

Mercury is the god of transportation.

Stock Market / LionAir Crash

Japan had been in the headlines for much of the week. As the U.S. market experienced a sharp decline upon opening this past Monday, the Japanese Nikkei had it much worse, plunging a whopping 12% that same day:Japan's Nikkei sees biggest rout since 1987 Black Monday

This was the Nikkei’s worst single day of trading since Black Monday almost four decades ago.

Today’s plane crash in Brazil happened just one day before World Lion Day:

August 10th is also the birthday of Herbert Hoover, who was the U.S. President during the Great Depression, which was solidified into existence by Black Tuesday:

In 2018, a LionAir plane crashed in the Java Sea. That flight’s number was 610, and today’s crash has Primary numerology of 61.

The 2018 LionAir crash was exactly 89 years after Black Tuesday:

Today’s Voepass crash was on 9/8 or 8/9

Voepass Airlines began operations 23,989 days after Black Tuesday:

Black Tuesday was 10/29

The Voepass crash fell 10 months, 29 days after the date 9/11:

Herbert Hoover died at 90 years, 10 weeks, 1 days of age:

In Latin, Two thousand two hundred eighty three = 3661 and Stock market crash = 661, Vinhedo Brazil = 661 Reverse Satanic

"Mount Takamagahara" = 661 (Latin)

See end of post

Pi Riddle

The LionAir Flight 610 crash was on the 302nd day of the year. World Lion Day this year will be a span of exactly 283 weeks after the crash of Ethiopan Airlines Flight 302.

Flight 2283 crashed 283 phases of The Moon after the 9/11 attacks:

In Latin, The Moon = 283 and Six hundred and sixty six = 2083

On the exact same date as the 9/11 attacks, the book Life of Pi was published.

Mathematics of the circle and Mathematical perfection both = 666 Latin

The Mathematics of the circle are resolved with Pi, or 3.14

Voepass’s flight went down 301 weeks, 4 days after the LionAir crash and 31 weeks, 4 days after the JapanAir crash:

The first number with 314 Ordinal gematria is 777.

"Seven hundred seventy seven" = 314 (Ordinal)

Not only does Vinhedo have a population density of 777 people per square km, but it sits at an elevation of 777 meters:Vinhedo is a municipality in the state of São Paulo in Brazil. It is part of the Metropolitan Region of Campinas.[2] The population in 2020 was 80,111 and its area is 81.60 km2 (31.51 sq mi). It has a population density of 777 inhabitants per square kilometer. The elevation is 777 m (2,549 ft).

Attack on Pearl Harbor = 314 and 82

The crash in Brazil was 82 years, 8 months, 2 days after the Attack on Pearl Harbor:

"Eclipse" = 314 (Satanic)

The Voepass crash was a span of 124 days (or 17 weeks, 5 days) after the Great American Eclipse:

In Ordinal, Black Tuesday and Depression both = 124, Great Depression = 175

The August 9th crash was a span of exactly 150 years after the former U.S. President was born:

US President and Depression both = 150

Yale Skull and Bones

Including the word and, the first two numbers with 314 Ordinal gematria are 223 and 322.

Two hundred and twenty three and Three hundred and twenty two both = 314 Ordinal

Yale University, home to the Skull and Crossbones223 (Order 322) turned 322 years old in 2023:

Both Vinhedo, Sao Paulo, Brazil, and Vinhedo on its own, sum to 322:

Vinhedo Sao Paulo Brazil and Vinhedo both = 322

The date of the crash had Primary numerology of 61 and 41:(8) + (9) + (20) + (24) = 61 and (8) + (9) + (24) = 41

Skull and Bones = 41 and Skull and crossbones = 61

"Vinhedo" = 41 (Reduction)

Skull and Bones society = 245, 295, and 101

Flight 2283 crashed in Vinhedo, Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Twenty two eighty three = 3322, 295, and 245, Vinhedo Sao Paulo Brazil = 245 and 101

The plane went down in Sao Paulo a span of 295 days after Kamala Harris’s birthday:

The president during the crash of 1929 was Herbert Hoover, who died on October 20th, 1964. Democratic candidate Kamala Harris was born on October 20th, 1964:

Plane crash sums to 308 in Latin.

"Plane crash" = 308 (Latin)

Voepass’s accident was a span of 38 days after their operational anniversary, or 10630 days after that date:

The 38th Prime number is 163

The Skull and Bones society is also know nas the Brotherhood of Death.

Killing = 38 and 74

Flight 2283 crashed exactly 3874 months after Yale was founded:

Voepass Linhas Aereas = 74 and 115, Vinhedo Sao Paulo Brazil = 115

Killing = 115 Reverse and 115 Latin

Skull and Bones society and Masonic both = 74 and 115

Total solar eclipse = 704 and 74

The Plane crash occurred 123 days after the Great American Eclipse:

"Plane crash" = 123 (Capitals Added)

"Herbert Hoover" = 1023 (Standard)

123 is a significant number to Japan Air Lines. In 1985, JAL Flight 123 crashed on Mount Takamagahara, killing all 520 on board – the deadliest single-plane accident of all time.

This week’s crash happened on the 222nd day of a leap year:

"Japan Air Lines" = 222 (Reverse)

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