Crane in New York City Erupts in Flames and Collapses
As I mentioned last week, today, July 26th, is both the start of Tisha B’Av and the anniversary of New York State.
This story is in the headlines at the same time as Hunter Biden, who will be pleading guilty to Tax evasion charges today:
20790 days = 2970 weeks
Triple H
As a former wrestling fan, this reminded me of Hunter Hearst Helmsley, better known as Triple H, because today is one day shy of his birthday. He turns 54 years old on the second day of Tisha B’Av.
Triple H is a business executive who is currently the head of WWE creative. From the 1950’s through 1980’s, WWE always held its largest events at Madison Square Garden in New York City, making it the original home of the company.
This connection is further solidified by the matching gematria Paul Michael Levesque, Triple H’s real name, has with both New York City and Robert Hunter Biden.
Today is the 207th day of the year:
His common name Paul Levesque also has matching gematria with New York City and Hunter Biden.
The 156th Prime number is 911
911 flipped upside-down is 116
Triple H has had many nicknames over the year, but one of the more recent ones is the Skull King, which WWE has trademarked for his likeness. This brings us to the connection with Skull and Bones.
In New York City, burning debris from a high rise collapsing into the streets doubtlessly stokes memories of the September 11th attacks. Today is Tisha BA’v on the Hebrew calendar.

Neila’s birthday was one day after Triple H’s
The 9/11 attacks were a riddle connected to Mercury. It happened in the time of Virgo, which is ruled by Mercury. In mythology, Mercury is the god of travelers, merchants, and communication. Travelers in airplanes struck the World Trade Center, a symbol of financial power, which had the largest telecommunications towers in New York, New York.
This means today is the first day of Hunter’s 223rd Mercurial year.
Skull and Bones
During those attacks, the president was George W. Bush, who was a graduate of Yale University and a member of its Skull and Bones secret society.
Hunter Biden is pleading guilty to Tax evasion, which is a Supermatch in gematria with Skull & Bones.
In Reverse Pythagorean, Skull and Bones sums to 76.
George W. Bush was born on 7/6
The Georgia Guidestones were destroyed on 7/6 of last year.
76 was a massive number for today’s news as well.
Today, 7/26, also has Primary numerology of 76:
Hunter was born on a date with Primary numerology of 76:
Hunter Biden gets his first name from his mother’s maiden name. Neilia Hunter Biden was killed in a car wreck that Hunter survived when he was just 2 years old.
It’s quite intriguing that we get a Crane collapse on this date with such a strong alignment with Skull and Bones.
Additional Alignments
Crane collapse also has matching 172 gematria with Hunter Biden.
173 is the 40th Prime number
Manhattan sits on the 73rd meridian and 40th parallel:
Today has a Life Lesson number of 40: