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Darrell Brooks Found Guilty in 2021 Christmas Parade Attack

Darrell Brooks found guilty of first-degree intentional homicide in Waukesha Christmas parade massacre

Today has Reduced numerology of 15:1+0 + 2+6 + 2+0+2+2 = 15

"Darrell Brooks" = 150 (Ordinal)

Darrell Brooks was found guilty 105 years, 150 days after JFK was born:

Both men’s full names are a Supermatch in gematria.

Darrell Edward Brooks Jr = 233, 334, and 107. John Fitzgerald Kennedy = 233, 334, and 107

"John F Kennedy" = 968 (Standard), "John Fitzgerald Kennedy" = 968 (Satanic), and "Darrell Edward Brooks Jr" = 968 (Satanic)

John N. Kennedy

Last year, I made this post which explained how the Waukesha parade attack was probably a state-sponsored terror incident. It happened on November 21st, which is the birthday of current U.S. Senator John N. Kennedy:

John N. Kennedy turned 70 years old on the date of the attack in Waukesha, Wisconsin:

"Waukesha Wisconsin" = 70 (Reduction)

The attack at the parade, which was in its 58th year, happened on the eve of the 58th anniversary of John F. Kennedy’s assassination in 1963.

"John N Kennedy" = 58 (Reduction)

The number 58 has gematria of 115.

Fifty eight = 115 and 1150

Darrell Brooks was born 11050 days after John N. Kennedy:

"Warehouse" = 115 (Ordinal)

The Killing of JFK was reportedly conducted by an Assassin from a Warehouse on a date with Primary numerology of 115:(11) + (22) + (19) + (63) = 115

Killing, Assassin, and Waukesha all = 115

666 / 244

Gematria is very simple math. Darrell Brooks’ rapper name was Mathboi Fly.

Mathboi Fly and Kennedy both = 666

The number 666 does not appear in Pi until the 2440th digit. Darrell Edward Brooks Jr.. whose birthday is in ’82, was born 6666 days after the assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy:

"Eighty two" = 666 (Reverse Sumerian)

The parade attack was 66 Lunar phases, 6 days after the 2016 Nice truck attack:

He’s now been sentenced for life due to his attack at the Waukesha Christmas Parade.

"Waukesha Christmas Parade" = 244 (Ordinal)

This all makes it quite noteworthy how Waukesha, Wisconsin has gematria of 244 followed by a 6.

"Waukesha Wisconsin" = 2446 (Latin)

Six and Murder both = 399 Latin

Brooks was exactly 39 years, 9 months old when he committed Murder:

“Christmas Assassin”

Assassin and Mathboi Fly both = 461 and 353

JFK’s alleged Assassin, Lee Harvey Oswald, was perched at the Texas Book Depository, whose address was 411 Elm St. This address was curiously mentioned in this episode of the Andy Griffith Show that aired on Christmas Day just two years earlier. Darrell Brooks was found guilty of a massacre at a Christmas parade.

"Assassin" = 411 (Latin)

"Christmas" = 411 (Latin)

The other John Kennedy is a senator from Louisiana.

"Louisiana" = 101 (Ordinal)

Assassin, Parade attack, and Waukesha Wisconsin all = 101

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