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Global Tech Outage Leads to FAA Groundings and More Chaos

Airlines and businesses struggle to recover following global tech outage

This is my first of three posts on today’s major world news story.

The Moon Landing

Today’s incident is being blamed on a company called Crowdstrike Holdings, Inc. The logo for Crowdstrike is remarkably similar to the Eagle on the emblem for the Apollo 11 mission:

Crowdstrike has matching 55 gematria with Microsoft, whose update is said to have caused the issue.

"Crowdstrike" = 55 (Reduction)

"Microsoft" = 55 (Single Reduction)

The 2024 IT outage was a span of exactly 55 years after the first Moon landing:

"Moon landing" = 55 (Reduction)

"Apollo Eleven" = 55 (Reverse Reduction)

"Armstrong" = 55 (Reverse Reduction)

CrwodStrike founder George Kurtz was born on May 5th, or 5/5:

Microsoft founder Bill Gates was born in the year ’55:

Last year’s outage happened on a date with Primary numerology of 55 and was synced to the Church of Satan:(1) + (11) + (20) + (23) = 55

"Satan" = 55 (Ordinal)

"Bread Circuses" = 55 (Reduction)

Buttigieg became DoT Secretary a span of exactly 550 months after Microsoft was founded:

The 55th Prime number is 257

"Pete Buttigieg" = 257 (Reverse Caps Added)

Neil Armstrong

Allegedly, the first man to set foot on the lunar surface was Neil Armstrong.

Neil Armstrong would be exactly 1256 Sidereal months old:

The Windows security update error occurred during Brown Lunation # 1256:

The Assassination of Donald Trump was attempted 1256 days after Buttigieg took office:

"Assassination of Donald Trump" = 1256 (Latin)

Today marks the start of the 622nd week since Neil Alden Armstrong died:

"Neil Alden Armstrong" = 622 (Latin)

"Apollo" = 201 (Latin)

The outage happened on the 201st day of a leap year, leaving 165 days on the calendar:

"Neil Armstrong" = 165 (Ordinal)


Pete Buttigieg’s middle name is Paul:

Paul was the first name of Paul Allen, one of the two founders of Microsoft. Paul Allen died on the date leaving 77 days in the year:

"Faulty" = 77 (Reverse)

The 2024 outage was exactly 77 Sidereal months after Paul Allen died:

Today’s outage fell exactly 707 weeks after the first day of 2011:

Last year’s FAA outage was 707 days after Pete took office:

September eleventh and World Trade Center both = 77

The outage occurred just hours after the Republican National Convention ended in Milwaukee. Consider how Microsoft Windows has the same M.W. initials as Milwaukee, Wisconsin, a city in the MidWest.

Microsoft Windows and Milwaukee Wisconsin both = 2411

2411 is the 358th Prime number

Pete Buttigieg was born 358 Lunations after Paul Allen:

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