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The Revelation / 666 Numerology of Microsoft’s Failure

Airlines and businesses struggle to recover following global tech outage

This is my third of three posts on today’s major world news story.


Pete Buttigieg was born on January 19th, or 1/19:

Pete Buttigieg = 1019 and 1191, Secretary of Transportation = 119, Transportation Secretary = 1119, Outage = 119

As a result of today’s problems, 9-1-1 services are out in various parts of the nation.

This year’s outage fell exactly 1166 Lunar phases after Anton Lavey was born:

"CrowdStrike incident" = 119 (Reverse Reduction)

Pete Buttigieg took office 1 year, 109 days after Event 201:

Today is 1109 days before the next Eclipse from Saros 136:

September 11th is written as 11/9 or 9/11. Revelation 9:11 has Ordinal gematria of 1442:And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon = 1442 Ordinal

Buttigieg was born exactly 14 years, 42 weeks after the DoT’s founding:

"Faulty update" = 1097 (Latin)

Today is 19/7 or 7/19

Pete Buttigieg took the DoT over 719 Sidereal months after it was established:

7109 is the 911th Prime number

Revelation = 121 and 119

Microsoft founder Paul Allen was born on January 21st, or 1/21:

Buttigieg was born on a date with Primary numerology of 121:(1) + (19) + (19) + (82) = 121

This Revelation riddle has always been present between the two Microsoft founders.

Bill Gates was born 1010 days after Paul Allen:

This was a number I mentioned when discussing Trump’s speech to close the RNC.

Joe Biden was exactly 1010 Lunations old for the speech:

"Mercury" = 1010 (Trigonal)

Revelation and COVID Nineteen both = 1010 and 850

Bill Gates was exactly 850 Lunar phases old for the outage:

The outage happened on the 201st day of a leap year:

"Apollo" = 201 (Latin)

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation hosted Event 201 in 2019 to simulate a Coronavirus pandemic. The real Coronavirus pandemic broke out just four months later:

"Six sixty six" = 201 (Ordinal)

Event 201 took place during Brown Lunation # 1197:

"Six six six" = 1197 (Latin)

Six six six (666)

Microsoft and Corporation both = 144

"Moon landing" = 144 (Capitals Added)

Today is 14 weeks, 4 days after the Great American Eclipse:

Number of the Beast = 1044, Mark of the Beast = 144 and 1404

Donald Trump was exactly 1044 Sidereal months old for his RNC speech:

"Peter Paul Montgomery Buttigieg" = 1044 (Base Sum)

"George Kurtz" = 1044 (Latin)

Founder of CrowdStrike

The Book of Revelation reveals the number of the Beast as 666.

Bill Gates was a span of 22,999 days old when Paul Allen died:

Buttigieg became Transportation Secretary exactly 666 Lunations after the DoT was founded:

"Pete Buttigieg" = 609 (Latin)

September the 11th and Nine eleven both = 609

Allen died exactly 609 Lunar phases after the ‘69 Moon landing:

Paul Allen was a span of exactly 198 months old for the first Moon landing:

President Trump and Beast both = 198

It’s been exactly 198 weeks since President Trump contracted COVID:


The planet Mercury rules the birth sign of Virgo, which typically begins on August 23rd each year.

The FAA, whose logo contains the winged foot of Mercury, was founded on August 23rd, or 8/23:

It’s been a span of 8 years, 23 days since Mike Whitaker took over at the FAA:

Pete Buttigieg turned 823 weeks old the day before Anton LaVey died:

Buttigieg was a span of exactly 1917 weeks old when Paul Allen died:

"Mercury" = 1917 (Squares)

JFK was born in the year 1917:

JFK was killed 1917 days after the FAA was founded:

"Mercury" = 798 (Latin)

Bill Gates founded Microsoft at 7098 days of age:

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