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Former NFL Player Devon Wylie Dies @ 35

Devon Wylie, former NFL player for Chiefs and Titans, dead at 35 Wylie was a 3rd-team All-American at Fresno State

Wylie’s alma mater, Fresno State, announced his death on Tuesday, November 14th. That was a date with a Life Lesson number of 32:(11) + (14) + 2+0+2+3 = 32

"Fresno" = 32 (Reduction)

Kansas City and Chiefs both = 32

Wylie was drafted by the Kansas City Chiefs, who play their home games at Arrowhead Stadium.

Last month, I made this post on the death of Tom Taraska, who was the football coach at Arrowhead High School while I went there.

Today’s news falls a span of 32 days after Taraska’s car crash:

Only one player that Taraska coached ever made the NFL – Nick Hayden. Last week, I made these posts on the death of former NFL cornerback DJ Hayden, the only player in the league this past decade to share his surname.

The professional football team in Wisconsin is the Green Bay Packers. This makes it noteworthy that Wylie played in college for the Fresno State Bulldogs, as the Georgia Bulldogs have a very similar logo to the Packers. The Georgia Bulldogs are currently ranked #1 in college football.

The Packers have a lineman named Devonte Wyatt, who went to Georgia. That name is really similar to Devon Wylie

“Kill” Code

Wisconsin and Georgia are the only two states with 44 Reduction gematria. Consider how the Major League Baseball teams from those two states are the only two franchises that Hank Aaron has played for, and where his #44 is retired.

Wisconsin and Georgia both = 44 Reduction

Wylie was born a span of exactly 440 months after Coach Taraska:

Taraska died a span of 44 days after Wylie’s birthday:

This is the Ordinal gematria of Kill.

"Kill" = 44 (Ordinal)

In Hebrew, Kill sums to 19 and 244.

Kill = 19 and 244 in Hebrew

Nineteen has matching 244 gematria with Wylie.

"Nineteen" = 244 (Latin) and "Wylie" = 1244 (Standard)

He was born a span of 244 days after Taraska’s birthday:

911 “Sacrifice” Code

"Tom Taraska" = 119 (Ordinal)

Tom Taraska died a span of 10 months, 19 days before Wylie’s birthday:

Coming off of their Bye week, the Kansas City Chiefs have played a total of 1016 games in franchise history, including the playoffs:

The only other NFL team he played for was the Tennessee Titans, whose next game will be their 1016th:

Devon died 119 months (or 9 years, 11 months) after his final NFL game:

Woodfield court is where Tom Taraska, the former coach for Arrowhead High School, died in a Car crash.

Ritual human sacrifice = 911, Woodfield, Tom Taraska, Arrowhead, and Devon all = 119, Arrowhead High School, Car crash, and Bulldog all = 116

Devon was a Bulldog for Fresno State.

Bulldog = 35 and 73

Fresno State alerted us to his death 35 years, 73 days after he was born:

Sacrifice and Ritual sacrifice both = 73

Mainstream news was published 74 days after his birthday:

"Killing" = 74 (Ordinal)

Wylie = 74 and 29

Wylie was born on the 2nd of September, or 2/9:

Bulldogs has matching 29 gematria with Tom Taraska, coach of Arrowhead High School.

Bulldogs and Tom Taraska both = 29

The Chiefs selected Wylie with the 107th pick of the Draft.

"Arrowhead High School" = 107 (Reduction)

"Ritual sacrifice" = 107 (Reverse Reduction)

Without the end date, Taraska died in Wisconsin 10 months, 18 days before Wylie’s birthday:

Taraska, from Wisconsin, has matching 118 gematria with Bulldogs.

Taraska, Wisconsin, and Bulldogs all = 118

Devon Wylie had Primary birth numerology of 118:(9) + (2) + (19) + (88) = 118

Death and Homicide both = 118 Latin

33 is another major number of the Sacrifice code.

In Latin, Thirty three = 148 and 895. Ritual sacrifice = 148 and Ritual human sacrifice = 895

Nick Hayden was born on the date leaving 330 days in the year, a span of 33 days after Coach Taraska’s birthday and 30 months, 30 days before Devon Wylie.

Thomas “Coach T” Taraska

Arrowhead High School has matching gematria with Thomas “Coach T” Taraska, including the number 316.

Arrowhead High School and Thomas Coach T Taraska both = 197 and 316, Taraska = 316 Satanic

News of Wylie’s death on X broke 316 days after Taraska’s birthday, and mainstream news hit a span of 316 days after:

Taraska and Wylie were also born 1913 weeks apart:

1913 is the 293rd Prime number

Devon passed away 293 days before his birthday:

293 is the 62nd Prime number

Thomas Coach T Taraska and Wisconsin both = 62

"Sacrifice" = 62 (Reverse Reduction)

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