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Catholic Church Reaffirms Stance Against Freemasonry

Vatican confirms ban on Catholics becoming Freemasons

The Catholic Church is speaking out about Masonry?! There’s no way this story would be by the numbers, would it?!

Perhaps a better question would be – is there any chance this story is not by the numbers?

"Masonry" = 39 (Reverse Reduction)

The news was published during Francis’s 3900th day as Pope, or exactly 132 Lunar phases later:

Roman Catholic = 132, Catholic Church = 132 and 69, The Catholic Church = 609

The Catholic Church confirmed its stance on a date with Primary numerology of 69:(11) + (15) + (20) + (23) = 69

The branch of the Vatican that in all likelihood does have ties to Masonry is The Jesuit Order, which is the society Pope Francis belonged to prior to his papacy.

The Jesuit Order = 69 and Order = 33

This article was published a span of 33 days before Pope Francis’s birthday:

Masonry was founded 3 months, 3 days after the Jesuits’ anniversary:

The date of this story also had numerology of 33 and 15:(11) + (15) + 2+0+2+3 = 33 and 1+1 + 1+5 + 2+0+2+3 = 15

Masonry has matching 33 / 105 gematria with the Roman name for the church, Ecclesia Catholica.

Masonry = 33 and 105

Ecclesia Catholica = 330 and 105 Reverse

November 15th is the 319th day of the year:

Freemasonic = 319 Latin, Masonic = 319 Satanic

The date 11/15 falls a span of 223 days before Freemasonry’s anniversary:

Masonic = 115 Reverse and 223 Latin

"Catholicism" = 223 (Capitals Mixed)

911 Coding

The story was also 119 days before the anniversary of Francis’s papacy:

Francis and Vatican both = 119 Reverse

Francis was 1019 Sidereal months old when he became the head of the Vatican:

"Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry" = 1911 (Latin)

It had been 266 months (or a span of 22 years, 66 days) after the attacks of 9/11:

Francis is the 266th Pope

The Jesuit emblem shows IHS, which stats for Iesus Hominum Salvator (Jesus, Savior of Man).

"Iesus Hominum Salvator" = 266 (Reverse)

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