Super Bowl XLV Between Packers and Steelers – The JFK Mega-Riddle
This post will examine the mega-riddle involving Michael John McCarthy and Aaron Rodgers leading the Green Bay Packers to a win in Super Bowl XLV.
Super Bowl XLV was the first Super Bowl to be held in the Dallas area. Dallas is the city where U.S. President John F. Kennedy was assassinated. It was won by the Packers, who play in Green Bay, Wisconsin. JFK was born on May 29th, which is the same date Wisconsin was admitted to the Union. Packers coach Mike McCarthy would later go on to coach for the Dallas Cowboys.
The Kennedy assassination was a Mercurial riddle. See this post for some great examples. JFK was born on America’s Mercurial birthday, and died on another exact Mercurial count. As it turns out, Super Bowl XLV was also on this Mercurial count.
389 is the 77th Prime number
Green Bay entered and finished the 2010-11 postseason with 540 losses in franchise history, including the playoffs.
54 × 54 = 2916
The Packers ended Super Bowl XLV with a 29-16 playoff record
But really…this is all about the number 13.
233 is the 13th Fibonacci number
Super Bowl XLV – The Ultimate Thirteen (13) Game
Super Bowl 45 was the Packers’ 45th playoff game
It was against the Pittsburgh Steelers
Forty-five is the first number to sum to itself in gematria.
It was their first Super Bowl win since they defeated New England.
The number Thirteen has double gematria of 45.
It was the Packers’ 13th NFL Championship
Ben Roethlisberger fell to 10-3 in the playoffs
Rodgers picked up his 31st career win
His coach in Green Bay, Wisconsin, Mike McCarthy, was born and raised in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. To win the Super Bowl, he beat his hometown team, the Pittsburgh Steelers.
Mike McCarthy, whose M.M. initials represent 13–13 in gematria, has Primary birth numerology of 103:
Green Bay had not won a Super Bowl since 31
The 13th Triangular number is 91
Super Bowl XLV ended the NFL’s 91st season
The number Thirteen has matching 99 gematria with Packers.
Michael John McCarthy sums to 1399, which matches the gematria of Lyndon Baines Johnson, who took over as president for JFK.
The number Thirteen has Latin gematria of 347.
347 is the 69th Prime number
The Green Bay Packers were led by Mike McCarthy to a win in Super Bowl XLV.
The first Moon landing was in ’69
Apollo 11 Moon Landing
JFK promised Americans that man would walk on the Moon by the end of the decade. Sure enough, in 1969, NASA took over the airwaves to fulfill his promise.
It’s pretty fascinating that Moon landing has matching gematria with the city he died in, Dallas, Texas. The Packers were founded on the 11th of August, or 11/8.

Wisconsin became a state on 5+29+18+48 = 55
179 is the 41st Prime number
Rodgers won the Super Bowl for Green Bay in Dallas.
The win gave him a 4-1 playoff record
41 is the 13th Prime number
The Apollo craft made its landing on the 201st day of the year:
Aaron Rodgers defeated Mike Tomlin to end the 2010 – 2011 NFL season.
The Packers got their 666th win in franchise history (regular season) a few months later, in the second game of the 2011 season.
Six six six (666)
Kennedy sums to 666 in Sumerian.
The first Moon landing was in 1969
The number 33 is shorthand for 666. The Steelers entered the Super Bowl with 33 total playoff victories.
Super Bowl XLV was the 33rd all-time meeting between the Packers and Steelers:
Kennedy‘s Killing is said to have been committed by an Assassin from a Warehouse. on a date with Primary numerology of 115:
Michael Pettaway Tomlin was born 115 days after the anniversary of the JFK assassination and 115 days before July 8th, the date the Steelers were founded:
Man reportedly first landed on the Moon on a date with Primary numerology of 115:
Roethlisberger / Tomlin
Pittsburgh entered the 2010-11 postseason with a toal of 541 regular season victories in franchise history.
277 is the 59th Prime number
Kennedy has Trigonal gematria of 641.
641 is the 116th Prime number
The Packers quarterback was born on a date with Primary numerology of 116:
JFK has Reverse Trigonal gematria of 520.
Rodgers won his only Super Bowl in Dallas, Texas.