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33 Killed in Japanese Anime Studio Fire

33 killed in fire at Japanese anime studio after man screaming 'you die!' set building alight

Today has Tiny numerology of 267 + 1+8 + 1+9 = 26

Flame, Torch, Blaze, and Burn all = 26 in Reverse Reduction

July eighteenth = 70 and 209. Fire = 70 and 29

Today’s date is ideal for a large death ritual. It’s been 100 months, 7 days since the Japan earthquake and tsunami of 2011:100 Months, 7 Days

Today is a span of 17 days after this year’s total eclipse:17 Days

Kill = 17, 28, 44, and 64 in the base ciphers

The date has 28, 44, and 64 numerology:7 + 1+8 + 2+0+1+9 = 28, (7) + (18) + (19) = 44, (7) + (18) + (20) + (19) = 64

Today’s date is written 18/7 in Japan. 187 is known as the homicide code:

"Death" = 1807 (Reverse Extended)

July 18th is the 199th day of the year:

199 is the 46th Prime number

"Sacrifice" = 46 (Full Reduction)

"להרוג (to kill)" = 46 (Hebrew Ordinal) "רצח (murder)" = 46 (Hebrew Ordinal)

The death toll has been finalized at 33

"Fire" = 38 (English Ordinal)

Death, Killing, R.I.P. and Murder all = 38

Kyoto Animation, the building shown above, is 38 years old:

The Governor of Kyoto is Takatoshi Nishiwaki, who is in his 23,380th day since birth:
23380 Days

"33 killed in fire at Japanese anime studio after man screaming 'you die!' set building alight" = 380 (Single Reduction)

Eclipse Crucifixion Code

The New Testament begins with the 42 generations to Jesus. The original KJV Bibles were printed with 42 lines on each page.

"Arson attack" = 42 (Single Reduction)

Japan and Anime both = 42, 93, and 30

Jesus is the son of God. The Sun is approximately 93 million miles away.

"God's son" = 93 (English Ordinal)

Adam lived to the age of 930. The New Testament begins with the 930th chapter of the Bible. Jesus is believed to have been crucified between 9-3 o’clock on the 93rd day of the year.

"Christianity" = 930 (English Sumerian)

Governor Nishiwaki was sworn in on the date April 16th, which falls 93 days before July 18th:

Eclipse crucifixion code = 227 Ordinal and 1433 Extended
The 227th Prime number is 1433

"Jesus" = 74 (English Ordinal)"Jesus Christ" = 74 (Reverse Reduction)

The President of Kyoto Animation is named Hideaki Hatta

Hideaki Hatta = 227 and 74 Reverse. Kyoto = 49 Reverse
227 is the 49th Prime number

Kyoto Animation has gematric overlap with Jesus Christ

"Kyoto Animation" = 1460 (English Extended)

"Jesus Christ" = 146 (Reverse Ordinal)

Jesus was crucified at age 33 under an eclipse

"Crucifixion of Jesus Christ" = 303 (English Ordinal)

"Eclipse" = 33 (Full Reduction)

"KyoAni" = 33 (Reverse Reduction)

"Arson attack" = 33 (Full Reduction)

33 people are said to have died in the KyoAni fire, which was 515 days before the next total solar eclipse:
515 Days

"Thirty-three" = 515 (Primes)

"Jesus" = 515 (English Extended)

"Anime studio" = 515 (Satanic)

The image of Jesus on the cross is called the crucifix. This studio went up in flames in Kyoto

Crucifix and Kyoto both = 610 in Jewish gematria

"Jesus" = 61 (Reverse Ordinal)

"Crucify Him!" = 61 (Full Reduction)

Kyoto is a prefecture in the Kansai region

"Kansai" = 151 (Jewish)

"Japanese Anime fire" = 151 (English Ordinal)

"Jesus Christ" = 151 (English Ordinal)

151 is the 36th Prime number

In addition to the 33 people being reported dead, 36 people were injured.

"Kansai" = 330 (English Sumerian)

"Kansai region" = 123 (English Ordinal)"Arson attack" = 123 (English Ordinal)"Crucifixion of Jesus Christ" = 123 (Full Reduction)

"Kyoto anime studio" = 1818 (English Extended)"Crucifixion of Jesus Christ" = 1818 (English Sumerian)

The crucifixion of Jesus during a solar eclipse represents the death of the son (or sun)

"The Sun" = 443 (Jewish)

"33 killed in fire at Japanese anime studio after man screaming 'you die!' set building alight" = 344 (Full Reduction)

The full gematria of the city also ties in:

Uji, Kyoto Prefecture, Kansai, Japan

As for the 173, see my post on the Angels / Mariners game on how the number 173 was brilliantly-coded into that game through pitcher Félix Peña. The number 173 is ELI flipped upside-down. Jesus yells “ELI” during the crucifixion:

13 – 33 Code

Governor Takatoshi Nishiwaki is a span of exactly 3340 weeks old:3340 Weeks, 0 Days

The 334th day of the year is November 30th:

November 30th was the date of the 1331 total solar eclipse

Thirteen thirty-one eclipse & November thirtieth = 1331 in Jewish gematria

"Ritual sacrifice" = 251 (Reverse Ordinal)

The 1331 total eclipse appears to be the basis of this entire code. That eclipse was 251,152 days ago:251152 Days

This is a palindromic number. Today is 18/7

"Palindromic number" = 187 (English Ordinal)

Incredibly, in the other three ciphers, Palindromic number gives us three Palindromic numbers:

Palindromic number = 88, 101, and 272

The Governor of Kyoto is 64 years, 3 days old:64 Years, 3 Days

The Prime Minister of Japan, Shinzō Abe, is 64 years, 300 days old:64 Years, 300 Days

643 is the 117th Prime number
117 is 13×3×3

Capital G = 13 and 33 in the two capital letter ciphers

Thirteen = 117. Thirteen and Shinzo Abe both = 45, 45, and 99

Takatoshi Nishiwaki = 99 and 117 in Reduction

"Kyoto Animation Fire" = 990 (Jewish)

The 13th Prime number is 41
The suspect was 41 years old

Abe was born on a date with 103 numerology. Nishiwaki sums to 103 in Ordinal:(9) + (21) + (19) + (54) = 103

"Nishiwaki" = 103 (English Ordinal)

The fire began at 10:30 am

"Anime studio" = 130 (English Ordinal)

13×13 = 169

"July eighteenth" = 169 (English Ordinal)

This event occurred a span of 1 year, 313 days before the next total lunar eclipse1 Year, 313 Days

Total lunar eclipse and Kyoto Prefecture both = 203 Ordinal

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