The 1969 Apollo 11 Moon Landing Hoax
The National Aeronatics and Space Administration was created for a Fake Moon landing
See more on Satanic gematria
The Moon travels 28.5 degrees north and south of the equator, meaning it has a range of 57 total degrees.
Adding the first and last names of the three Apollo 11 crew members yields 5757 in Square numbers, one of the base ciphers tracing back to Hebrew gematria:
The Moon landing on July twentieth was exactly 570 days before the next total lunar eclipse:
The Prime Factors of 57 are 19×3
All three astronauts were born in 1930
In the same month as the first Moon landing, the United States turned 193 years old:
193 is the 44th Prime number
The three astronauts were born within a duration of 40 weeks, 4 days:
When the shuttle took off, the United States was 10071 weeks old:
That’s the full name of Buzz Aldrin, the second man to step foot on the Moon. He was exactly 2061 weeks old when he did so:
Michael Collins, the only man on the mission not to set foot on the surface, was 2020 weeks, 3 days old on that same date:
There are 223 synodic months in the Saros cycle, which allows us to predict the next solar or lunar eclipse.
The words Moon, Lunar, and cycle all sum to 21

21×21 = 441
NASA was established on the 210th day of the year:
Neil Alden Armstrong is said to be the first person to walk on the Moon. They landed on the 201st day of ’69, July twentieth
July twentieth also shares gematria with eclipse, which is of course the most significant event involving the Moon, across multiple methods.
The words eclipse and lunar both sum to 69 and 33
One of the Hebrew words for Moon sums to 33
Apollo Eleven has overlap with solar eclipse
The date man is said to have first set foot on the surface of the Moon fell a span of exactly 303 days after the most recent total solar eclipse:
When Apollo 11 landed, it was a span of exactly 33 weeks before the next total solar eclipse
First steps on the Moon were taken on the 202nd day of the year:
The date was July 21st, or 21/7. Neil Armstrong, who took those steps, was born on the 217th day of the year:
Armstrong’s date of birth is extremely Masonic. August 5th is written 5/8 in most parts of the world. ’58 is when NASA was established.
His name is pretty Masonic too…
In Satanic gematria, the word Moon sums to 197
The 19-year cycle that syncs up almost perfectly with 235 synodic months is called the Metonic cycle.
The date Apollo 11 was launched was the 197th day of the year:
The two men who walked on the Moon, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin, were born 197 days apart:
When looking at lunar phases, we find that in this 19-year cycle, 7 of them contain a thirteenth month.
197 is the 45th Prime number
When Apollo 11 was launched, it was exactly 4005 days after NASA was established:
The 13th Fibonacci number is 233
Neil Armstrong was a span of exactly 2033 weeks old when he first stepped foot on the Moon
The 13th Prime number is 41
The date of the Moon landing and the date man supposedly set foot on the Moon were 4010 days after NASA was established:
It was also exactly 41 weeks after the most recent total lunar eclipse:
The 41st Prime number is 179
In Hebrew gematria, the word for Moon sums to 218
The Moon landing allegedly occurred at 20:18 UTC:
In Ordinal, Moon has a Hebrew value of 38
Two of the three astronauts were 38 years old, including the first to walk on the Moon.
The first Moon walk / Moon landing occurred 165 days before the first day of 1970
The word Masonic sums to 223 in Jewish gematria, the same as Yareach (The Moon) in Hebrew:
The Moon landing occurred on a date with Standard numerology of 96
The date also had Full numerology of 115
The three astronauts were 38, 38, and 39 years old
38+38+39 = 115