Kentucky School Shooting – Jesuit Order Tribute
Why is the GOVERNOR the source of information?! Remember how 777 is a stamp of masonic activity. Governor Matt Bevin took office on December 8th, 2015.
The highest degree of masonry is the 33rd. The 33rd prime number is 137.
The shooting, which occurred at Marshall County High School, is a tribute to the Jesuit Order.
UPDATE: The shooter’s and victim’s names have now been released

Even his Jewish gematria syncs up:
Combining the two victims’ names matches the name of the shooter:
186 is a significant number, too. The 186th prime number is 1109.
“Parker” = 33 (Full Reduction)
“Gabe” = 93 (Reverse Ordinal)
“Parker” = 93 (Reverse Ordinal)
“Propaganda” = 93 (English Ordinal)
The Jesuit Order’s motto is “For the Greater Glory of God” = 351 (Reverse Ordinal) | Measuring to the governor’s next birthday:
The Society of Jesus was founded on September 27, the 270th day of the year.
“For the Greater Glory of God” = 270 (English Ordinal)
The gematria of the headline gives it away:
“1 killed in KY high school shooting, governor says” = 2727 (Jewish)
The Jesuit Order turned 477 this past September.
“1 killed in KY high school shooting, governor says” = 477 (Jewish Ordinal)
“Society of Jesus” = 191 (English Ordinal)
“1 killed in KY high school shooting, governor says” = 1901 (Satanic)
“1 killed in KY high school shooting, governor says” = 501 (English Ordinal)This was at Marshall County High School.Governor Matt Bevin just turned 51 two weeks ago.
Today is 1/23.
Marshall County High School is in Benton, Kentucky.
Today marks 119 days since the Jesuit Order’s birthday:
Notice how that headline says 1 killed, 7 hurt. 119 days is also 17 weeks.17 is heavily-coded into death and sacrifice. See slide. Today has 17 numerology.
The governor’s Tweet sums to the 170th prime number.
113 is the number of deception.
Today has more perfect numbers for a false flag shooting:
“Marshall County High School” = 115 (Full Reduction)
“Society of Jesus” = 115 (Reverse Single Reduction EP)
The school is 115 miles northwest of Nashville.