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Monster Energy Snowboarder Luke Trembath Dies @ 38 (or 39?)

Famed snowboarder Luke 'The Dingo' Trembath dead at 38; tributes from Tony Hawk, others pour in

This is my first of two posts on today’s news about snowboarder Luke Trembath:

"Famed snowboarder Luke The Dingo Trembath dead at 38 tributes from Tony Hawk others pour in" = 888 (Ordinal)

Reduced number calculation

"Triple eights" = 888 (Sumerian) and "Thirty eight" = 888 (Reverse Sumerian)

It’s being reported that Luke, also known as the Dingo, died at the age of 38, a significant number of Death.

"Dingo" = 308 (Trigonal)

Yale Skull and Bones

The 38th Prime number is 163

"Snowboarder" = 163 (Reverse)

Today is a span of exactly 16 months, 3 weeks after Yale turned 322 in 2023:

Luke The Dingo Trembath = 322 Caps Added and Reverse

"The Dingo" = 223 (Latin) and "Snowboarder" = 2230 (Squares)

March 1st falls 223 days before Yale’s Oct. 9th anniversary:

The Skull and Bones society is also known as the Brotherhood of Death. Luke’s Brother Reece Trembath also died young while still in his 30’s.

Reece was 444 months old:

Skull and Crossbones, Skull and Crossbones Three twenty two, and Skull and Bones Three hundred twenty two all = 444

"Killing" = 444 (Sumerian)

In 2008, Luke and his friend Danny Kass starred in a television series called The Adventures of Danny & The Dingo. Danny was born exactly 39 weeks after Reece Trembath and 39 months before Luke Trembath:

Monster Energy was founded 3 months, 9 days after Luke’s birthday:

Luke was actually 39 years old

Luke and Yale both = 390, Snowboard = 39

Danny & The Dingo first came out on the 30th of September, or 30/9:

The Adventures of Danny & The Dingo aired for 3 years, 23 weeks:

The Adventures of Danny The Dingo and Danny Kass Luke Trembath both = 323

Yale is now 323 years old

The Adventures of Danny & The Dingo

In the Prime number cipher, Luke Trembath sums to 431.

"Luke Trembath" = 431 (Primes)

431 is the 83rd Prime number

"Danny Kass and Luke Trembath" = 83 (Reduction)

Luke Trembath was 8300 days old (and exactly 8 months, 3 weeks after his birthday) when the show first aired:

It was also 83 days before Reece’s birthday:

Yale University was founded on the date leaving 83 days in the year:

"Yale University" = 83 (Reverse Reduction)

"Murder" = 83 (Reverse)

Danny Kass and Luke Trembath were born 1206 days apart, and their show lasted for a span of 1260 days:

The Adventures of Danny The Dingo = 1026 Base Sum and 311 Latin Ordinal

The show’s two hosts were born 3 years, 110 days apart:

"The Beast" = 311 (Latin)

311 is the 64th Prime number

"Luke The Dingo Trembath" = 640 (Reverse Caps Mixed) and "Snowboarder" = 64 (Reverse Reduction)

Their show’s finale aired exactly 604 weeks before Yale’s Skull and Bones anniversary:

In Satanic gematria, Skull and Bones = 604 and Secret society = 640 Reverse

The Tomb of Skull and Bones is located at 64 High Street:

More Yale Connections

Skull and Bones and Skull & Bones both = 59

"Kill" = 59 (Latin)

Today’s news dropped 509 months after Danny Kass was born and 509 days after Yale’s big anniversary:

509 is the 97th Prime number

Reece Trembath died 97 days after Yale’s founding date:

Skull and Crossbones, Brotherhood of Death, and Death all = 97

Yale is located in the city of New Haven.

"New Haven" = 1699 (Latin)

Luke was 16 years, 99 days (or exactly 849 weeks) old when Monster was established:

849 is the third multiple of 223

Danny & The Dingo’s final episode fell 173 days after Danny Kass’s birthday, and Trembath died 173 sidereal months later:

"Trembath" = 173 (Capitals Mixed)

Luke’s brother Reece died a span of 1730 days before Yale turned 322:

Monster Energy and Yale University both = 173, 70, and 79

173 + 70 + 79 = 322

That number was discussed at the start of the post.

"Hurricane" = 426 (Latin)

"Luke The Dingo Trembath" = 426 (Reverse Caps Added) and "Snowboard" = 426 (Satanic)

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