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Pope Francis Placed on Breathing Machine

Pope Francis on breathing machine after suffering sudden respiratory episode

This is my third of three posts on this story today:

Pope Francis & The Benoit Tragedy

Chris Benoit married Nancy Toffolini, who was previously married to pro wrestler Kevin Sullivan, who passed away last year. Sullivan’s middle name was Francis.

Pope, Chris, and Santa Fe all = 175

Pope Francis, Chris Benoit, and Nancy Benoit all = 122 and 175

Nancy Benoit was born on the 17th of May, or 17/5:

She and her family were found dead inside their home on the 175th day of the year:

Pope Francis has matching gematria with numbers familiar to the Skull and Bones society.

"Pope Francis" = 1770 (Squares)

Two hundred twenty three, Three hundred twenty two, and Skull and Bones society all = 1770 Sumerian

Chris Benoit died at his home in Fayetteville, Georgia, while Gene Hackman died at his in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

"Chris Benoit" = 1770 (Squares) and "Fayetteville Georgia" = 1770 (Standard)

"Santa Fe New Mexico" = 177 (Ordinal)

Eclipse of the Sun and The Jesuit Order both = 177 Ordinal

The Circle

"Pi Day Eclipse" = 666 (Latin)

Mathematics of the circle and Mathematical perfection both = 666 Latin

The 314th Prime number is 2083

"Six hundred and sixty six" = 2083 (Latin)

Mar. 2nd falls exactly 2083 weeks after the first WrestleMania:

Both WrestleMania and the number Thirty-two sum to 50, a highly-integral number to the Circle. and the 50 states of America.

WrestleMania and Thirty two both = 50 Reduction

Circle = 50 Ordinal, O = 50 in both Latin and Satanic

Circle and America both = 50 and 32

This year, the date March 2nd or 3/2 has Primary numerology of 50:(3) + (2) + (20) + (25) = 50

Not only is Francis the first Pope to come from the Americas, but he’s also the first Pope to belong to the Jesuit Order, whose emblem is a Circle containing 32 rays of the Sun:

The number 32 has gematria of 1967.

"Thirty two" = 1967 (Standard)

The 19th Prime number is 67

1967 is the year Chris Benoit was born:

Christopher and Chris Benoit both = 67

Chris, WrestleMania XX, Nancy, and Gene Hackman all = 190

The Benoit family was found 190 days after the 70th birthday of Francis:

Francis and Vatican both = 70 Ordinal

Daniel Benoit = 70


Chris died on June 24th, or 6/24:

That’s the same date modern Freemasonry was initially founded:"Richard Butkus" = 787 (Latin)

WrestleMania 41 will be held 17 years, 300 days after Benoit’s death:

Francis was born in Argentina, the same country as the world’s most-acclaimed soccer player, Lionel Messi, who was born on June 24th:

This means the Pope could move on during the 1967th week since Messi was born:

Benoit died exactly 290 years after the founding of Freemasonry and a span of 2090 days before Francis became the Pope:

Jesus = 29, Christ = 290, Jesus Christ = 290, Toffolini = 290, Benoit, Sullivan, and Pi all = 29

Eclipse Code

Francis and Vatican both = 47 Reverse Reduction

"Total eclipse" = 47 (Reduction)

March 2nd falls a span of exactly 47 weeks (or 329 days) after the Total eclipse over the United States:

"Ritual human sacrifice" = 329 (Reverse)

Nancy Elizabeth Toffolini was born exactly 329 months after Bergoglio:

"Nancy Elizabeth Toffolini" = 329 (Capitals Added)

Pope Francis is also known as Papa Francisco in Spanish. There was only one WrestleMania held in the city of San Francisco – WrestleMania 31 was held in San Francisco, it was on March 29th, or 3/29.

Kobe was a span of exactly 329 months old when he scored 81:

Kobe Bean Bryant = 81 and 810, Mark of the Beast = 81

The special date will be a span of 6980 days after Kobe’s best game:

"Society of Jesus" = 1698 (Latin)

Sunday will be 191 days after Kobe’s birthday:

"Society of Jesus" = 191 (Ordinal)

Assassination = 160 and 191

Mar. 2nd falls exactly 1091 Lunar phases after Francis was born and exactly 160 Sidereal months after he became Pope:

"Chris Benoit double murder and suicide" = 160 (Reduction)

Hackman was found 16 days before the Pi Day Eclipse, and Mar. 2nd will be 1 week, 6 days before it:

"Pi" = 16 (Reduction)

Toffolini, Sullivan, and Kevin Francis Sullivan all = 106

It’s also 160 days after Sep. 23rd or 9/23:

9/23 is the date nearly a decade ago that Pope Francis arrived at the White House lawn at 9:23 a.m. He had arrived in the United States the previous day, which was 923 days after he was elected.

Mar. 2nd will be exactly 923 weeks after the Benoits were found:

The date 9/23 is the 266th day of the year:

Mar. 2nd is exactly 266 weeks after Kobe’s helicopter crash:

"Iesus Hominum Salvator" = 266 (Reverse)

Francis visited North America in 2015. Chris Benoit was born on the 21st of May, or 21/5. Gene Hackman = 215 was 20150 days old for the first WrestleMania.

Nancy Toffolini = 215 Caps Added and Reverse

Luna = 12 and Eclipse = 120

Mar. 2nd will be 12 days before the Pi Day Eclipse:

Francis was born on 12/17/36:

Mar. 2nd will be exactly 923 weeks after the Benoits were found:

More Notes

Pope Francis was born during Brown Lunation # 173:

"Brown Lunation" = 173 (Reverse)

WrestleMania 41 will be held 17 years, 300 days after Benoit’s death:

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