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The Eclipse Code & ‘666’ Stamped All Over Snowboarder’s Death

Famed snowboarder Luke 'The Dingo' Trembath dead at 38; tributes from Tony Hawk, others pour in

This is my second of two posts on today’s news about snowboarder Luke Trembath:

Nineteen (19)

Luke was born a span of 19 days after his brother Reece’s birthday:

Part 1 discussed a wealth of connections for this story to Yale University.

"Yale University" = 1919 (Reverse Standard)

19+19 = 38
Luke was 38 years old

…or was he? According to various sources, Luke Trembath, a.k.a. the Dingo, would have actually been 39 at departure.

Luke Trembath was seemingly born on 1/9 in the year ’86:

Nineteen and Dingo both = 86

Human sacrifice and Blood sacrifice both = 86

"Nineteen" = 1144 (Squares)

It’s also been a span of 1 year, 144 days since Yale’s big date:

Thirteen (13)

The number Nineteen has matching gematria with Monster, the company that Luke was sponsored by.

Nineteen = 41 and 130

Monster = 41 and 130

41 is the 13th Prime number

His birthday can also be written as 9/1.

"Luke Trembath" = 901 (Standard)

91 is the 13th Triangular number

Today’s date is the 1st of March, written as 3/1 or 1/3, which also has Reduced numerology of 13:3 + 1 + 2+0+2+5 = 13

"Luke" = 13 (Reduction)

Dingo = 130 and 31

Skull & Bones and Human sacrifice both = 130 Ordinal

It’s been exactly 10 months, 3 weeks after the Great American Eclipse:

Today’s news falls 13 days before the Pi Day Eclipse:

Six six six (666)

"Pi Day Eclipse" = 666 (Latin)

Tomorrow will mark a span of 6 years, 6 weeks, 6 days since Reece died:

"Snowboard" = 666 (Sumerian) and Snowboarding = 60 and 66 Reduction

Today is the 60th day of the year, which also had Multiplicative numerology of 60:3 × 1 × 2 × 2 × 5 = 60

"Six hundred sixty six" = 275 (Ordinal)

March 1st was also a span of 2750 days after the first Great American Eclipse:

666 is the number of the Beast, which is encoded into Monster’s logo via the ancient Hebrew alphabet:

"Six hundred sixty six" = 2038 (Latin)

"The Dingo" = 238 (Primes)

The Trembath brothers died 2238 days apart:

Luke was a span of exactly 22 years, 38 weeks old when the show premiered:

Danny and Luke’s show ended when Trembath was 314 months of age:

The 314th Prime number is 2083

"Six hundred and sixty six" = 2083 (Latin)

Indisputably, the most successful snowboarder of all-time is Shaun White.

Trembath was a span of 238 days old when Shaun White was born:

Shaun White is 2008 weeks, 3 days old today:

Monster Energy was founded 99 days after Luke’s birthday.

Monster Energy Drink = 99, 99, and 234

234 + 432 = 666

Danny Kass was 234 months old when Monster Energy Drink was founded:

"Mark of the Beast" = 234 (Reverse)

Luke, the other Snowboarder on the show, had Multiplicative birth numerology of 432:1 × 9 × 8 × 6 = 432

"Snowboarder" = 432 (Primes)

It’s probably worth noting that the Pope has been in failing health the past couple of weeks and may be on his way out soon.

The Pope was exactly 2560 weeks old when Trembath was born:

"Six hundred sixty six" = 256 (Latin Ordinal)

“Ritual Sacrifice” Code

The alternate number of the Beast is 616.

Monster Energy was established 3,616 days before the series finale of Adventures and 6116 days before Reece Trembath died:

In Latin, Ritual sacrifice = 616, Ritual human sacrifice and Thirty three = 895

Danny was a span of exactly 1,895 weeks old when Reece passed away:

"Trembath" = 33 (Reduction)

The 33rd Triangular number is 561

Luke Trembath = 561 Laatin, Snowboarding = 561 Latin

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