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Debbie Nelson, Mother of Rapper Eminem, Dies @ Age 69

Eminem confirms Abu Dhabi F1 concert will proceed days after mother's death

News of the death of Eminem‘s mother first broke on December 3rd, a date with Primary numerology of 59:(12) + (3) + (20) + (24) = 59

"Eminem" = 59 (Ordinal)

"Kill" = 59 (Latin)

This post will explain how this news is synced to the same Pi and Eclipse riddle that I uncovered in my most recent video.

Her death was attributed to Cancer, whose astrological symbol is a sideways 69.

Eclipse and Circles both = 69 Ordinal

Debbie Nelson was 69 years of age:

Pi = 69 Latin and 337 Squares

Nelson died on the 337th day of a leap year:

Pi and Nelson both = 79, 25, and 29

The Moon

Eminem was a span of exactly 2720 weeks old when Debbie Nelson died:

Eminem was a span of exactly 2720 weeks old when Debbie Nelson died:

"Deborah Mathers" = 272 (Capitals Mixed)

"Mathers" = 272 (Primes)

As I discussed in my video from yesterday272 is a significant number to the Moon.

Mathers’ mother passed away in St. Joseph, Missouri during Brown Lunation # 1261:

"St Joseph Missouri" = 1261 (Standard)

"St Joseph Missouri" = 1561 (Latin) and "Deborah Rae Nelson" = 561 (Standard)

The word Moon sums to 218 in Hebrew Gematria:

"Debbie Nelson" = 218 (Reverse)

Eclipse Code / Pi Day

Debbie Mathers has Sumerian gematria of 666.

Debbie Mathers = 666 and 66, Deborah Nelson = 60 and 66

Six hundred sixty-six is considered the Number of the Beast.

In Latin, Six hundred sixty six = 2038 and Number of the Beast = 724

She passed away 238 days (or 7 months 24 days) after the Moon last blocked the Sun:

The Mathematics of the circle, which reveals, is resolved by Pi, which reveals Mathematical perfection.

Mathematics of the circle and Mathematical perfection both = 666 Latin

666 is the 36th Triangular number, and Debbie died a span of 36 days before her birthday.

"Pi Day Eclipse" = 666 (Latin)

Next year’s Pi Day Eclipse falls on 3/14. It will be the first Total Lunar Eclipse in about two and a half years:

"Mathers" = 314 (Latin)

Eminem is commonly referred to as simply Em. The letter M is the 13th letter.

"M" = 13 (Ordinal)

Debbie passed away on a date with Reduced numerology of 13:1+2 + 2 + 2+0+2+4 = 13

"Eminem" = 103 (Reverse)

Debbie died a span of 103 days before the Pi Day Total lunar eclipse:

"Total lunar eclipse" = 103 (Reverse Reduction)

"Ritual human sacrifice" = 103 (Single Reduction)

Music to Be Murdered By

Back in 2020, Eminem released a new record called Music to Be Murdered By. That week, I made this post on the numerology of one of its music videos.

That record came out on January 17th, or 1/17:

Eminem was born on October 17th, or 10/17:

"Eminem" = 117 (Capitals Mixed)

Thirteen = 117 and 567

Eminem was exactly 567 months old for that album’s release:

Eminem’s Murder album dropped 254 weeks before his mom died:

"Murder" = 254 (Primes)

Murder = 399, 79, 83, and 34, Lung cancer = 399, Nelson = 79, 83, and 34

Debbie was 23,752 days old for the release. Skull and Bones = 752. Yale University was 16606 weeks, 6 days old on that date.

Nine Eleven (9/11)

The book Life of Pi was released on the same date as the September eleventh attacks on Two thousand one:

September eleventh, Two thousand one, and One hundred nineteen all = 194 Ordinal

Marshall Mathers was a span of 19040 days old when his mom died:

The name Eminem sums to 119, the inverse of 9/11.

"Eminem" = 119 (Latin)

Marshall was born 9 years, 11 days after Debbie’s birthday:

911 is the 156th Prime number

Marshall Mathers was 10556 days old on 9/11:

"Deborah Rae Nelson" = 156 (Ordinal)

Deborah Rae Nelson departed a span of 8484 days after the September 11th attacks:

Deborah Rae Nelson and Mathers both = 84

More Notes

St Joseph Missouri = 235 Ordinal and 2035 Trigonal

235 + 2035 = 2270

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