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UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson Assassinated in NYC

UnitedHealthcare CEO shooting latest: Manhunt for killer enters 3rd day

This is my first of three posts on this news story dominating mainstream headlines this week:

"New York City" = 60 (Reduction)

Brian Thompson was shot and killed in New York City outside of a Hotel on a date with Primary numerology of 60 and 24:(12) + (4) + (20) + (24) = 60 and (12) + (4) + 2+0+2+4 = 24

Hotel = 60 and 24

Hilton Hotels & The Moon

This murder happened outside the New York Hilton Midtown, which belongs to Hilton Hotels & Resorts – a company founded by Conrad Hilton. It was a Ritual sacrifice of the CEO of UnitedHealthcare.

Ritual sacrifice = 154, 73, and 616, UnitedHealthcare = 154, 73, and 919

Conrad Hilton was 91 years, 9 days old when he died:

Conrad Hilton founded Hilton Hotels at a span of exactly 1640 weeks of age:

"Brian Thompson" = 164 (Ordinal)

Check out all of the connections Conrad Hilton has to 107 – just like Brian Robert Thompson has to the building he died at.

"Conrad Hilton" = 1007 (Trigonal), "Conrad Nicholson Hilton" = 107 (Reduction), and "Conrad" = 107 (Reverse)

Brian Robert Thompson, New York Hilton Midtown, Hilton Hotels & Resorts, Shooting, and Minnetonka Minnesota all = 107

Hilton and Thompson were born 1070 Lunar phases apart:

"Moon" = 170 (Latin)

Kill = 17, Sacrifice = 170, Ritual sacrifice = 107, Ritual human sacrifice = 1700

Hilton Hotel is found at the space station in the 1968 film 2001: A Space Odyssey:

2001 is the year that the Twin Towers were destroyed in New York – the same city Brian Thompson was killed in.

The name Thompson means Twin

The tall slim building next to the World Trade Center is a Hilton Hotel:

Hilton has double large-number overlap with World Trade Center.

Hilton and World Trade Center both = 1110 and 589

"UnitedHealthcare" = 589 (Latin)

"New York" = 666 (Sumerian)

666 is the ultimate number of The Moon. Travelers stay at the Hilton in A Space Odyssey on their way to The Moon.

Hilton Hotels was incorporated exactly 666 Lunar phases before the World Trade Center opened:

The Twin Towers opened exactly 1140 Sidereal months after Conrad Hilton was born:

"The Tower" = 114 (Ordinal) and "The Tower XVI" = 1014 (Sumerian)

Conrad Hilton died exactly 133 Lunar phases after the release of A Space Odyssey:

"Conrad Hilton" = 133 (Ordinal)

The UHC CEO was born 6 years, 3 months, 7 days after the film’s release:

He was born during Brown Lunation # 637:

"Conrad Nicholson Hilton" = 736 (Primes) and "World Trade Center" = 367 (Capitals Mixed)

He was killed at the New York Hilton Midtown, after traveling there from UHC’s headquarters in Minnetonka, Minnesota.

New York Hilton Midtown and Minnetonka Minnesota both = 287

His murder fell 287 Lunar phases after 9/11:

The 33rd Triangular number is 561, and Conrad died exactly 561 weeks after 2001: A Space Odyssey. Thirty-three66, the first multiple of 33, and Brian Thompson was born exactly 66 weeks after the World Trade Center opened.

See my third post in the series for more on 33.

The World Trade Center

Solomons Temple and Herods Temple both = 68

2001: A Space Odyssey came out in ’68
WTC construction began on 6/8/68

Thompson died 680 months after the film’s release in ‘68:

"CEO" = 68 (Standard)

The 68th Prime number is 337

His date of death was a span of 337 days after the date Hilton’s first CEO, Conrad Hilton, passed away:

Thompson was shot dead 1337 days after becoming CEO:

World Trade Center = 1337 and 2337

In All Elite Wrestling, Mercedes Mone walks out to an obnoxious “CEO” chant that is piped into the arena. She was 12001 days on when the CEO was killed.

Tisha B’Av911 commemorates the destruction of Solomon’s Temple and the Second Temple, also called Herod’s Temple. One day, a Third Temple may be built in Jerusalem.

Solomons Temple, Second Temple, Herods Temple, Third Temple, Jerusalem, and Twin Towers all = 58

A Space Odyssey came out 58 days before Hilton’s anniversary and 5 months, 8 days before September 11th:

CEO = 58 Latin and Reverse

The 58th Prime number is 271

"Brian Thompson" = 187 (Reverse)

"Brian Robert Thompson" = 271 (Reverse)

Brian Thompson was killed 187 days after the founding date of Hilton Hotels:

The World Trade Center opened on the date leaving 271 days in the year:

The Jesuit Order was founded on the 271st day of a leap year:

Continue reading to learn how this riddle all circles back to the Jesuit Eclipse Code:

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