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Albert II, Prince of Monaco and the “Skull and Bones” Code

Ferrari's Charles Leclerc wins home F1 race in Monaco, breaking the 'curse'

This is my last of four posts on today’s race (thank God).

Skull and Bones

Although Albert II became Prince of Monaco on April 6th, he did not officially begin his rule until after a three-month period of mourning for his predecessor, Rainier III. He was enthroned on July 12th, 2005.

That ceremony was a span of 18 years, 320 days before May 26th:

The Skull and Bones secret society was founded in 1832:

Albert II, Prince of Monaco sums to 223.

"Albert II Prince of Monaco" = 223 (Ordinal)

Skull and Crossbones = 885 Latin and 223 Ordinal

Albert II, Prince of Monaco was exactly 885 Sidereal months old for the race:

My other posts explored the remarkable numerology of not only Charles Leclerc and Charles Kowal, the man credited with locating Chiron, but also his girlfriend, Alexandra Saint Mleux.

Leclerc’s girlfriend was born 61 years, 223 days after Charles Kowal:

Skull and Crossbones, Charles Leclerc, Monaco, Monacan, Lewis Hamilton, and Marussia all = 61

343 Firemen

On September 11th, 343 New York Ciy firemen were killed in the collapse of the Twin Towers:

"Charles Leclerc" = 343 (Latin)

Charles Leclerc was born a span of 343 days after Charles Kowal’s birthday:

His girlfriend was a span of 343 days after her birthday:

Albert II became Prince a span of 343 days before his birthday:

343 is 7 × 7 × 7

Albert II was 7770 days old when Louis Chiron passed away:

Charles Kowal died 1,777 weeks after he found Chiron:

"One thousand one hundred nine" = 777 (Reverse Caps Mixed)

777 is the first number with Ordinal gematria of 314.

"Seven hundred seventy seven" = 314 (Ordinal)

Albert II was born on March 14th, or 3/14:

The Monaco GP was 314 days after the anniversary of Jules’ death:

Including the word and, the first numbers with 314 gematria are 223 and 322.

Two hundred and twenty three and Three hundred and twenty two both = 314 Ordinal

3.14 are the first three digits of Pi. The word Circle sums to both 223 and 322.

Circle = 223 Reverse Caps Mixed and 322 Reverse Satanic

It had been 93 years since a Monagasque driver won the Grand Prix:

"Chiron" = 93 (Capitals Added)

"Scuderia Ferrari" = 930 (Sumerian)

Louis Chiron and Monte Carlo both = 154 Reverse

Louis Chiron and Monte Carlo share 154 Reverse gematria with Ninety-three, which in turn yields a 1322 in Standard.

Ninety three = 154 Reverse and 1322 Standard

Leclerc had not won a race in a span of 1 year, 322 days:

Sunday’s race was exactly 322 weeks after Leclerc’s F1 debut:

Hervé Leclerc died a span of 322 days after Chiron’s and Bianchi’s birthday:

"The World Trade Center" = 322 (Capitals Added)

"Manor Marussia" = 322 (Capitals Mixed)

The 322nd day of the year is 11/18:

"One thousand one hundred nine" = 1118 (Latin)

"Alexandra Saint Mleux" = 1118 (Fibonacci)

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