Iran Launches a Mostly-Foiled Attack on Israel
Iran has matching 130 gematria with the number 300. This post will examine how their attack on Israel was synced to the movie 300, Skull & Bones, and the Total eclipse code.
Iran’s offensive took place on the evening of the 13th of April, or 13/4. This is like the Ordinal value of both Solar Eclipse and Vesica piscis:
The Supreme Leader of Iran is Ali Khamenei
The film was written and directed by Zack Snyder, who was born in Green Bay, Wisconsin.

The 202nd Prime number is 1231
“300” and “Jesus Christ”
For those who are not aware, there’s a terrific YouTube channel called Seven7One1, whose creator makes observations that have frequently pointed towards future events. A couple of months back, he made this video about the 2024 Total Solar Eclipse, which started Millennium Lunation # 300, and the movie 300:
300 stirred some controversey in the Middle East due to its negative portrayal of Persians, including King Xerxes, who was too “effeminate.” Ironic, considering how women have two X chromosomes, like the name Xerxes having two X‘s. The 2024 Eclipse completed a pair of X‘s over the United States:
CNN told us that Israel intercepted more than 300 missiles:
Iran’s president serving under the Supreme Leader is Ebrahim Raisi.
In Latin, Jesus sums to 985.
Operation True Promise has matching 1104 gematria with Ebrahim Raisolsadati and the numbers Three Zero Zero.
Eclipse Code
Ebrahim Raisi was born on December 14th. In 2020, December 14th was the exact halfway point between the two Great American Total Solar Eclipses, and on that date, there was another Eclipse over South America.
A span of 95 weeks = 666 days
666 is a number connected to Jesus, the Son of God, through the Magic Square of the Sun:
September 11th and Pi
Many Christians believe that Jesus was truly born on 9/11, or September 11th:
Yesterday, I made this video on the death of Peter Higgs. In that live stream, I talked at length of a riddle that connects the attacks of September 11th, 2001 to Life of Pi, a book that was published on that very date.
The first four digits of Pi are 3.141
The first two numbers with 314 gematria are 223 and 322. Appropriate, as the word Circle sums to these numbers in Reverse gematria.
A Bonesman was in office during the September 11th attacks.
Skull and Bones
In early January of 2020, I blogged a lot about Iran, beginning with the assassination of Qasem Soleimani. The following week, a plane crash in Tehran killed 176 people.
Yale, home Order 322 or the Skull and Crossbones = 223, turned 322 years old in 2023:
Skull and Bones is also known as the Brotherhood of Death. This has matching 187 gematria with Total eclipse and Iranophobic in Reverse.
66 is a significant number to Skull and Bones, which was founded in 1832.
The date of the attack had numerology of 41 and 61:
Iran’s Supreme Leader took office on a date with Reduced numerology of 41:
Operation True Promise has matching 110 gematria with Skull and Crossbones.
The Supreme Leader of Iran adheres to Article 110: