Jelly Roll’s Plane Makes Emergency Landing
This story about an Emergency involving Jelly Roll on his way to the CMT Music Awards with his wife Bunnie XO was published on April 4th, written 4/5 or 5/4.
This story about country music singer Jelly Roll on his way to the 2024 CMT Music Awards is a numeric tribute to the Revelation of Jesus. Note the matching 985 in Extended gematria.
Many Christians believe Jesus was truly born on the 11th of September, or 11/9. Jelly Roll was born on a date with Primary numerology of 119:
Revelation sums to 121 and 149 in English. The real name of Jelly Roll is Jason DeFord.
Six six six (666)
The Book of Revelation reveals the number of the Beast to be 666.

Ordinal + Reverse + Reduction + Reverse Reduction
The Magic Square of the Sun sums to 666, a number connected to Jesus Christ, the Son of God:
666 days is a span of exactly 95 weeks
The unspecified Emergency happened on the 95th day of a leap year:
DeFord and his wife Bunnie XO were on their way to the 2024 CMT Music Awards, which has Latin gematria of 1549.
1549 is the 244th Prime number
The number 666 first appears in Pi at the 2440th digit, appropriate for a number that some believe is Satanic:
Jelly Roll was 122 days after his last birthday and 244 days before his next:
Bunnie XO was born on 1/22
Her date of birth has Primary numerology of 122:
The number 122 when spelled out sums to 3031.
Jelly Roll’s breakout single Son of a Sinner was released on March 31st, or 3/31. That was the date of Easter this year.
This is a very significant number to the book of Revelation, written by John of Patmos, about the Second coming of God’s son.
The 331st Prime number is 2221
The final verse of Revelation is 22:21
It’s the 404th verse of the book
Bunnie XO is 44 years old
Jelly Roll’s emergency was on 4/04
His private jet had to make its emergency landing while en route to Austin.
When you write out the number Forty-four, it sums to 144 in Ordinal, just like the date 4/4, April fourth.
The Book of Revelation mentions the number 144 on four separate occasions.
Bunnie XO was born in 1980, and Beast = 198. She is the host of the Dumb Blonde Podcast = 665.