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Singer Sinead O’Connor Dies @ 56

Irish singer Sinéad O’Connor’s death not suspicious, police say

While the police may say there’s nothing suspicious about her death, the numbers suggest a completely different story. O’Connors passing is littered with much of the same numerology from throughout her career.

The question I get so often, of course, is “what does it all mean?” Sure, it’s easy to see that significant numbers relating to the same theme continue to fall in place with every major story we see. But does that mean all of our favorite celebrities are being sacrificed in accordance with a strict numerical code adhered to by their overlords? Or is this just how the universe works?

In May, I made this post explaining the mind-blowing “223” connections I found after my cousin April died of a drug overdose in the month of…well, April. If her death was in the media, everybody would be racing to compare it to Skull and Bones. But we know what led to her exit from this material plane, and it had absolutely nothing to do with anyone from that secret society, or really, anyone else at all.

Sinead O’Connor made her struggles with bipolar disorder public many years ago, and as we watched her age from afar, it seemed as if her life was quite chaotic. Whether it was struggling to find her inner peace through multiple changes of religion, or coping with the suicide of her son, life didn’t seem like it came as easy to Sinead as it does to others.

Even though I feel like I’ve arrived at the answer to what’s really going on in our world, it’s not my job to tell you what to believe. All I can do is share my experiences and the numbers that go along with them. Hopefully, this inspires you to do your own digging and arrive at your own conclusions. My Blog is only half of this website – the other half contains the tools I’m so passionate about sharing to enable this type of research.

This post covers only about half of the decode. Check out my next post to see the “Skull and Bones” riddle.

Nothing Compares 2 U

Sinead was best-known for her smash hit single, Nothing Compares 2 U, which was released in January of 1990. The song was actually originally written by Prince, and it appeared on an album for his side project known as the Family.

The fact that this song was written by Prince is actually very important. Prince also wrote and performed the song I Would Die 4 U, which also used a number in place of a word, and the letter U instead of “you.”

4-U in gematria would be 4-21
Prince died on 4/21

At the time of her death, Sinead went by her Muslim name, Shuhada Sadaqat.

"Shuhada Sadaqat" = 2017 (Squares)

At the time of her death, Sinead went by her Muslim name, Shuhada Sadaqat.

In Standard gematria, Prince sums to 227.

"Prince" = 227 (Standard)

227 is the 49th Prime number

Sinead was 49 years old when Prince died, and her death fell 49 days after Prince’s birthday:

Dolores O’Riordan

Earlier today, I made this video explaining how the NYC crane collapse, along with the coinciding “collapse” of Hunter Biden’s plea bargain, were connected to the Kennedy family.

The Kennedys, who are from Massachusetts, are descendants of Irish immigrants. Again I ask, “what are the odds” that we got the death of a famous Irish singer on the same exact day?

The last time I can recall decoding the death of a famous Irish musician is when Dolores O’Riordan, the lead singer of the Cranberries, died in January of 2018. The Cranberries have a song called “I Just Shot John Lennon.”

John Lennon was shot on December 8th, or 12/08. Dolores O’Riordan‘s full name has matching 1208 Latin gematria with John F. Kennedy.

Dolores Mary Eileen ORiordan and John F. Kennedy both = 1208 Latin

Sinead O’Connor was born on December 8th, or 12/08:

1208 contains the same digits as 2018

O’Connor died 2018 days after O’Riordan died in 2018:

"Death" = 218 (Standard)

These are the same three digits found in the Ordinal value of Dolores O’Riordan.

"Dolores ORiordan" = 182 (Ordinal)

O’Connor turned 613 months old one week before Dolores O’Riordan passed:

"Dolores ORiordan" = 613 (Latin)

In the regular alphabetic order, Death has gematria of 38, a number deeply-ensconced into the language and even a bit of pop culture.

Prince allegedly died of a Fentanyl overdose at his home in Minnesota.

Prince, Fentanyl, and Minnesota all = 38

The 38th Prime number is 163

Sinead’s version of Nothing Compares 2 U came out 1603 days after the Family’s:

Prince died 1600 weeks, 3 days after the original version:

Dolores O’Riordan was 16300 days old when Prince died:

Sinead has died at age Fifty-six

"Fifty six" = 1630 (Standard)

The full names of Prince, Dolores, and Sinead all match the Capital Letter value of one of the others.

Thirty-three (33)

I Would Die 4 U was released on the 333rd day of a leap year, which means there were also 33 days left on the calendar:

Nothing Compares 2 U was originally performed by the Family.

"Family" = 33 (Reverse Reduction)

Prince died exactly 33 weeks before O’Connor’s birthday:

O’Connor died exactly 33 weeks after her birthday:

Nothing Compares 2 U was released when Sinead was 8433 days old, and she died 33 years, 199 days later:

Nothing Compares 2 U was voted the #1 song of 1990

O’Connor and O’Riordan both have Reduced birth numerology of 33:1+2 + 8 + 1+9+6+6 = 33 and 9 + 6 + 1+9+7+1 = 33

Dolores passed away 33 weeks, 3 days before her own birthday:

33+33 = 66

"Thirty three" = 66 (Reduction)

I Would Die 4 U came out 33 years, 6 weeks, 6 days before the death of Dolores O’Riordan:

The number 33 connects us to the 666 code, as most evident through basic gematria.

Sinead O’Connor was 18,666 days (or 2,666 weeks) old when Dolores O’Riordan died::

O’Riordan was born on September 6th, written 9/6 or 6/9. She was 6699 days old when Sinead’s version of Nothing Compares 2 U came out, and Prince died 9600 days later:

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