Man Charged for 1988 Lockerbie Bombing in U.S. Custody
The Lockerbie bombing brought Scotland into the international spotlight in the final couple of weeks in ’88.
Notice how Lockerbie has matching gematria with Plane bomb, and Scotland syncs up with Plane crash.

163 is the 38th Prime number
The word Scottish sums to 32.
Previously, the only man convicted of the bombing was Abdelbaset al-Megrahi.
In 2011, Muhammar Gaddafi, the leader of Libya, accepted responsibility for the attack, at least enough so to pay the victims’ families.
Gaddafi became the leader of Libya on March 2nd, or 3/2, back in 1979. He was killed in 2011 during the Libyan insurgency, which was backed by Barack Obama, the president of America at the time.
The 32nd Prime number is 131, and the 131st Prime number is 739. The flight that crashed had a serial designation of N739PA.
The name Obama sounds a lot like Bomb, doesn’t it? “Bomb” = 84, “Obama” = 84 and he was born on 8/4. Remember on 8/4 of 2020, much of Beirut was leveled by a bomb.
Muammar Gaddafi
Gaddafi was killed on the date 10/20 in 2011.
211 is the 47th Prime number
Society of Jesus
In Ordinal, Muammar Gaddafi sums to 112, which is virtually identical to the Latin gematria of the man that was arrested today.
The Jesuit Order operates in exactly 112 countries, as it claims to have done for at least the last 15 years. Its symbol contains the letters IHS, which stands for Iesus Hominum Salvator (Jesus, Savior of Man). This phrase matches Muammar Gaddafi across multiple methods, which includes 112.
Note the 274 value in Ordinal.
The worst terror attacks in U.S. history, which involved four airplanes, occurred on the 11th of September, written 11/9 or 9/11. Pan American World Airways began operations on October 19th, or 10/19.
263 is the 56th Prime number
The company’s original name did not yet include “World” in the name. It had the same digits in Ordinal, and its 191 gematria matches Society of Jesus.
911 turned upside-down is 116
Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam is the motto of the Society of Jesus. This translates to For the Greater Glory of God.

1733 is the 270th Prime number
The Society of Jesus was founded on September 27th, which is typically the 270th day of the year:
It was reported that a total of 270 people were killed in the crash of Pan Am 103.
103 is the 27th Prime number
Pan Am was founded in ’27
Pan Am went out of business a few years after the crash on a date with Reduced numerology of 27:
The Jesuit Order was founded in 1540
How interesting that Pan Am was founded on the 73rd day of the year, and began operations on the date leaving 73 days on the calendar?
The 9/11 attacks were a Mercurial ritual. They occurred under Virgo, which is ruled by Mercury, on the date many believe to be the actual birthday of Jesus Christ. Mercury is the god of transportation, merchants, and communication, and merchants. Airplanes, typically used to transport people, were crashed into the World Trade Center, which had the city’s largest telecommunications tower on top.
September 11th is the 254th day of the year: