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Anthony Fauci Says He’ll Leave NIAID Post in December

Dr. Anthony Fauci to step down in December

Today has Primary numerology of 72:(8) + (22) + (20) + (22) = 72

COVID-19 = 72 Ordinal

COVID Nineteen and Revelation both = 1010 Latin

Anthony Fauci is exactly 1010 lunar phases old:

Today is 241 days after Dr. Fauci’s birthday:241 is the 53rd Prime number

COVID = 53 and 82

Fauci says he’ll be stepping down in December, the month he will be turning 82 years old.

December = 330 Sumerian


33 is 3×11. Thirty-three has capital gematria of 311.

Thirty-three = 311 Capitals Mixed

Fauci’s middle name, Stephen, sums to 33 and 113.

Stephen = 33 and 113

The 33rd Prime number is 137

Anthony Fauci = 137 Ordinal

The Coronavirus pandemic was declared as such by the World Health Organization on the 11th of March, or 11/3. 11×3 = 33

Coronavirus pandemic = 113 Reverse

Corona = 33 Reverse

Dr. Fauci = 303 Latin

Eclipse = 33

In that Latin cipher, Thirty-three has gematria of 895.

Thirty-three = 895 Latin

Today is a span of 895 days since the pandemic declaration on 11/3:

Eclipse Code

Thirty-three has Ordinal gematria of 156.

Anthony S Fauci, Thirty three, and Eclipse the Sun all = 156 Ordinal

Eclipses always occur 1, 5, or 6 lunar phases apart. The Hebrew word for Eclipse sums to 156:

Fauci was born a span of 15 years, 6 days after NIAID was founded:

Without the end date, that’s 15 years, 5 days.

Coronavirus = 155 and 1303

The Corona is the name of the Sun’s atmosphere, which is only visible during a total solar eclipse.

Today’s news falls a span of exactly 1 year, 33 weeks before the next total solar eclipse:

Why would Anthony Stephen Fauci‘s exit from NIAID be connected to Corona and the 2024 eclipse?

The Society of Jesus = 224 Ordinal

Today is exactly 261 weeks after the first Great American Eclipse, and 261 days after the last total solar eclipse:

The United States of America = 261, United States of America = 228, COVID = 228 Satanic

Today’s date is the 22nd of August, or 22/8.

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