Conviction Made in Death of Nipsey Hussle
Back in 2019, I made this post on the death of rapper Nipsey Hussle. As is usual with the death of a rapper, there was a heavy eclipse code for the date he died.
I failed, however, to miss the most powerful of all eclipse connections in his murder. The name Nipsey Hussle was a play on the name of actor and comedian Nipsey Russell.
A number famously-associated with murder through rap music is 187, which is the alternate title of a 1992 song by Dr. Dre and Snoop Dogg:
Today is the 187th day of the year:
Eclipse Code
In the alphabetic order, the word Eclipse sums to 69. The murder occurred 60 months, 9 days before the next Great American Eclipse and exactly 69 weeks after the mayor of Los Angeles took office.
The name of Nipsey’s killer is Eric Holder Jr. This means he shares a name with the former US Attorney General under Barack Obama, Eric Holder Jr.
Holder was the 82nd Attorney General. There are 82 lunar phases between the two Great American Eclipses. The name of the killer in this story sums to 82.
The man he allegedly shot, Nipsey Hussle, was born in 1985.

In ancient Hebrew, both Total eclipse and Solar eclipse sum to 83.
The 83rd Prime number is 431
Nipsey Russell was a Virgo, which is ruled by the planet Mercury.
Russell would currently be 103 years old. Nipsey Hussle’s real name, which used to be Ermias Davidson Asghedom, is now shown to be Airmiess Joseph Asghedom.
97 / 25
Today has Primary numerology of 55:
Today is 97 days since the anniversary of Nipsey Hussle’s death. “Death” = 97. “Eric Holder” = 97, the 25th Prime number.
“Russell” = 25. Nipsey Hussle died a span of exactly 205 weeks after Eric Holder’s last day in office. Holder was in his 25000th day since birth on the date of the 2019 eclipse, which Hussle died in connection to. “Twenty-five” = 121, and Eric Holder was born on 1/21.