Musician J Balvin Recovering from Coronavirus
This story about COVID Nineteen came out on the 139th day of the year:
A couple of weeks ago, we got a story about a dog named Buddy dying of Covid.
Musician Jose Balvin had COVID-19? In gematria, his name sums to 109 and 161 in multiple ciphers, which is an upside-down 191.
Today has numerology of 62 and 26:
Another celebrity, another claim they got coronavirus, another match in base gematria. J Balvin is from Colombia.
The nation of Colombia is 2520 months, 25 days old:
And even though barely a fraction of one percent of people his age diagnosed with Covid-19 actually die, J Balvin wants to make sure you not only know he had the virus, but that you should be more afraid of it.
Stay inside! Don’t go out! Don’t meet any other people! Wear a mask! You might DIE if you don’t! Don’t you care about others?! WHAT KIND OF SELFISH PERSON WOULDN’T WEAR A MASK?!
Moon Riddle
Notice how Colombia’s Independence Day falls on July 20th, the date of the Moon landing:
In Extended, Moon sums to 210. Colombia just turned 210 years old:
Balvin’s full name with all characters included sums to 269:
269 is the 57th Prime number
José Balvín was born on May 7th, written 5/7.
May 7th can also be written as 7/5. Balvín is a Taurus, which is ruled by Venus. He’s currently 57 Venusian years, 75 days old:
Metonic Cycle
The Metonic cycle contains 19 solar years. Of course, the virus is called Covid-19.
The Metonic cycle’s 19 years equates to 235 lunar phases.
Adding 19 + 235 gives us 254, the number of sidereal months in the Metonic cycle.
9/11 Riddle
September 11th is the 254th day of the year:
September 11th can be written as 11/9. J Balvin sings reggae music.
It’s been 227 months since the September 11th attacks:
Today is the 227th day of a leap year: