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Donald’s Brother Robert Trump Hospitalized

President Donald Trump's brother Robert hospitalized in New York, White House says

The name Robert Trump has matching gematria with Freemasonry.

Robert Trump and Freemasonry = 58, 787, and 1147

"Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry" = 227 (Reverse Reduction)

Today is the 227th day of a leap year, leaving 139 days on the calendar:

"Freemasonry" = 139 (English Ordinal)

Today is 10 months, 10 days before Freemasonry’s anniversary. “Covid nineteen” = 1010 (Jewish).

Jesus Riddle

The date of this story was August 14th, written 14/8.

Donald J. Trump = 148 Ordinal and 888 Sumerian

The Greek name for Jesus sums to 888:

In the Jewish cipher, the gematria of Donald Trump has the reverse digits of Jesus:

In Jewish gematria, Donald Trump = 589, Jesus = 985

On the date of today’s story, Donald Trump is 74 years, 61 days old. This is the Ordinal gematria of Jesus:

Jesus is said to have been crucified at the age of 33 in 33 A.D.:April 3, 33 A.D. Jesus, as described in the New Testament, was most likely crucified on Friday April 3, 33 A.D.

"Crucifixion of Jesus Christ" = 303 (English Ordinal)

The name Robert sums to 33.

"Robert" = 33 (Full Reduction)

Donald Trump

Today is a span of 62 days since Donald Trump’s birthday:

Today has numerology of 62 and 26:
(8) + (14) + (20) + (20) = 62 and (8) + (14) + 2+0+2+0 = 26

This is the value of diseasevirus, and Covid.

Disease = 62 and 26, Virus and Covid both = 26

Even though there’s no indication Robert has Covid-19, there’s a clear riddle nonetheless.

Today is the 1303rd day since Donald Trump became president:

"Coronavirus" = 1303 (Jewish)

Trump declared coronavirus to be a national emergency on 13/03, a date with 56 numerology:(3) + (13) + (20) + (20) = 56

"Coronavirus" = 56 (Full Reduction)

It’s been exactly 22 weeks since that date:

"Donald John Trump" = 220 (Reverse Ordinal)

Headline Gematria

Corona = 96 and 66 Ordinal

President Donald Trump's brother Robert hospitalized in New York, White House says = 906 Ordinal and 6060 Jewish

The 66th Prime number is 317

"Robert" = 317 (Jewish)

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