Secret Service Shoots Man Outside White House
Trump was ushered off-stage by the Secret Service within a few seconds of the clock turning to 5:51:
The perpetrator involved was 51 years old:
It should be no surprise that an event involving the United States Secret Service is by the eclipse code. The agency has matching gematria with 1331.
1331 is the ultimate eclipse number.
58 / 85 Riddle
Trump has Primary birth numerology of 85:
He won the 58th Presidential election, which fell 58 years after ’58. He was sworn into office on (1)+(20) + (20)+(17) = 58 and announced his candidacy from the 58-story Trump Tower.
Today has Primary numerology of 58:
It was the same day as a gas explosion in Baltimore, which was numerically-linked to a President.
The Bodyguard
Kevin Costner played The Bodyguard. He’s 5 months, 8 days before his birthday:
Yesterday marked the beginning of what would have been his co-star Whitney Houston‘s 58th year since birth. Whitney Houston…White House…
Whitney Houston drowned on 11/2
Today is a span of 3104 days after Whitney’s drowning, for a nice pi tribute. It’s also exactly 8 years, 6 months.
Freemasonry Riddle
The film was released on the 330th day of a leap year. Washington D.C., where this news story originates, is the home of the House of the Temple, a headquarters of the 33rd degree of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry.
Trump is 74 years old.
It was on the 223rd day of a leap year: