Twitch Streamer Reckful Commits Suicide @ 31
WarCraft streamer Byron Bernstein died on 7/2 in Austin, Texas.
7/2 was the date of the last total solar eclipse in 2019. Austin, Texas is in the path of the 2024 Great American Eclipse.
Reckful was 31 years old.
Bernstein was 311 days before his birthday, or 31 years, 1 month, 3 weeks, 3 days old:
Byron also matches the game he was best-known for, WoW.
Byron‘s death fell on a date with Standard numerology of 29:
Twitch‘s parent company is Amazon.
The date also had Primary numerology of 49:
Amazon was founded in ’94. It was 9494 days old on the date Bernstein died. The next day, when most people found out, Twitch was a span of exactly 9 years, 4 weeks old:
Twitch was also 9 years, 27 days old on the date of his death. “Sacrifice” = 927 (Squares).