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Roy Horn of Siegfried & Roy Dies @ 75

Roy Horn of Siegfried and Roy duo dies of coronavirus

The Tiger King becomes a hit all over the world. Tiger Woods helps raise $10 million for coronavirus relief. “Mr. Tiger” Al Kaline passes away. A tiger at a zoo gets diagnosed with Covid-19. Samuel L. Jackson reads a book called Stay the Fuck Home with tigers on the cover.

Now, one of the most famous men in the world to have ever worked with tigers, Roy Horn, has died…of coronavirus.

Today’s news falls on the date 5/9

"Tiger" = 59 (English Ordinal)

Roy’s career-ending injury while using a tiger for entertainment was on his 59th birthday:59 Years, 0 Days

"Entertainment" = 59 (Full Reduction)

"Kill" = 59 (Jewish)

Freemasonry = 59 Hebrew and Reverse Reduction and 277 Franc Baconis

The 59th Prime number is 277

Roy Horn was born on the 277th day of a leap year:

"Siegfried Fischbacher & Roy Horn" = 277 (English Ordinal)

Siegfried Fischbacher and Roy Horn were born exactly 277 weeks apart:

Both Roy Horn and his real name Uwe Horn have 113 gematria. 113 is associated with dishonesty.

"Roy Horn" = 113 (English Ordinal)

"Uwe Horn" = 1013 (English Extended)

Siegfried and Roy’s birthdays are separated by a span of 113 days:

"Tiger" = 311 (English Extended)

Roy died exactly 3 years, 11 months before the 2024 Greater American Eclipse:

"Coronavirus pandemic" = 113 (Reverse Reduction)

The WHO declared a coronavirus pandemic on 11/3Roy, or Uwe Horn, died on 5/8, which can also be written 8/5.

Roy = 58 and Uwe Horn = 85

Roy died 58 days after the date 11/3:

Roy Horn also shares Reverse gematria with tiger.

Roy Horn and Tiger both = 31 and 76 in Reverse

Horn was born on a date with 76 and 31 numerology:(10) + (3) + (19) + (44) = 76 and (10) + (3) + 1+9+4+4 = 31

Roy Horn died a span of 7 months, 6 days into his 76th year since birth:75 Years, 7 Months, 6 Days

Human sacrifice and Blood sacrifice both = 76 in Single Reduction

The tiger attack on Roy was on his birthday in the year 2003.

"Roy" = 23 (Reverse Ordinal)

"Las Vegas" = 23 (Full Reduction)

I found it interesting that Roy was bitten 5063 days after The Mirage opened. 563 is the 103rd Prime number, similar to Roy’s 10/3 date of birth.

Horn then died on a date with 53 and 17 numerology:(5) + (8) + (20) + (20) = 53 and (5) + (8) + 2+0+2+0 = 17


"Kill" = 17 (Full Reduction)

“Circle” Riddle

Roy Horn shares 50 Reduction gematria with the name of the tiger who bit him, Mantecore. The tiger bite occurred at The Mirage, a Polynesian hotel and casino.

Roy Horn, Mantecore, Tiger bite, The Mirage, and Polynesian all = 50 in Reduction

Roy died 50 days after the anniversary Mantecore’s death:

Circle = 50 Ordinal. The letter O is worth 50 in Jewish and Satanic gematria

Notice how Mantecore died on March 19th, or 19/3.

"Entertainment" = 193 (Reverse Ordinal)

193 is the 44th Prime number
Roy was born in the year ’44

"מעגל (Circle)" = 44 (Hebrew Ordinal)

Kill = 44 Ordinal & 59 Jewish

His death made the news on 5/9. The mathematics of the circle are resolved with Pi, or 3.14.

"Mantecore" = 314 (Jewish)

"Eclipse" = 314 (Satanic)

The coronavirus is a tribute to the two Great American Eclipses, which are exactly 2423 days apart from one another.

"Uwe Ludwig Horn" = 2423 (Jewish)


The Book of Revelation mentions the number 144 four times, then reveals the number of the Beast as 666. The first 144 digits after the decimal in Pi sum to 666.

"Perfection" = 666 (English Sumerian)

Six six six has gematria of 87 and 156 (type in “Bill Gates” for a fun match).

Six six six = 87 Reverse and 156 Ordinal

Little Richard died and is in the headlines right alongside Roy Horn. He died at the age of 87 years, 156 days:87 Years, 156 Days

666 = 234 + 432Little Richard was born exactly 4320 days before Roy Horn:

6+6+6 = 18
The 18th Triangular number is 171

Uwe Ludwig Horn = 180 Ordinal and 171 Reverse

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