Alleged Murderer Fotis Dulos Dies Following Suicide Attempt
Today, January 30th, has Primary numerology of 71
Dulos had been incarcerated since his arrest on January 7th, the date written 7/1 or 1/7
Dulos was willing to kill to get custody of his children
On the date he died, he was 19,170 days old:
He lived in Farmington, Connecticut
This news story stems from the disappearance of Fotis’s wife, Jennifer Dulos, on May 24th, 2019. May 24th is the 144th day of the year, leaving 221 on the calendar:
Fotis Dulos, who was born on August 6th, written 8/6, died 8 months, 6 days after the disappearance of his wife:
Dulos, who was born in the year ’68, died three days before she was about to turn 608 months old. She was last seen in New Canaan, Connecticut on a date with Primary numerology of 68
The 68th Prime number is 337
The date also had Standard numerology of 23
Jennifer was 50 years old.
Kobe Bryant Connections
Fotis Dulos has died on January 30th, the date written 1/30
The 13th Prime number is 41. It’s interesting he has this gematria, in light of this week’s death of Kobe Bryant.
He and his wife were in a bitter custody battle.
His wife went missing on May 24th of last year, a date with a Life Lesson number of 41
The victim’s full name has interesting gematria of 113, a number associated with dishonesty. It’s also the Ordinal gematria of Kobe Bryant.
Kobe finished his career wearing #24. Dulos died a span of 240 days after her birthday.
It’s also interesting that this story takes place in Connecticut – Kobe’s daughter Gianna, who also died in the crash, was planning on attending the University of Connecticut.
Jennifer has some overlap with Kobe’s full name:
Kobe died in a helicopter crash.
Jennifer Dulos went missing on May 24th, the date written 24/5
She went missing 247 days before Kobe died, syncing up with her maiden name:
“Kobe” = 33, “One week” = 33, “Seven days” = 33, and God rests on the seventh day in the 33rd verse of the Bible. Kobe died exactly one week before Super Bowl 54.
The 54th Prime number is 251
Fotis died 251 days after his wife went missing: