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Louisiana Plane Crash Kills 5

Five people died in a small plane crash near Louisiana airport, officials say

The plane crash was outside of Lafayette, Louisiana, which sums to 79 with the S Exception.

"Lafayette, Louisiana" = 79 (Single Reduction)

Today has Primary numerology of 79(12) + (28) + (20) + (19) = 79, (12) + (28) + 2+0+1+9 = 52, and 1+2 + 2+8 + 2+0+1+9 = 25

The 25th Prime number is 97

Plane crash = 52 Single Reduction and 97 Ordinal

It’s being reported that five have been killed.

"Five" = 420 (English Extended)

"Louisiana" = 420 (Jewish)

The 66th Prime number is 317

"Five" = 66 (Reverse Ordinal)"Louisiana" = 606 (English Sumerian)"Louisiana" = 317 (Primes)

Gubernatorial Alignments

The Governor of Louisiana is John Bel Edwards, who was born in ‘66.

He was sworn into office on January 11th of 2016, which was a span of 3 years, 50 weeks, 2 days ago, and it’s the 352nd day since the anniversary of that date:

The next total solar eclipse is is 352 days:352 Days

The number 352 has the same gematria as Governor John Bel Edwards

Governor John Bel Edwards and Three hundred fifty-two both = 254 Ordinal and 110 Reduction

When you include the word andthree hundred and fifty-two has the same gematria as the airport the plane left from and crashed just outside of.

Three hundred and fifty-two and Lafayette Regional Airport both = 273 Ordinal and 120 Reduction

Today has Standard numerology of 59(12) + (28) + (19) = 59

"John Bel Edwards" = 59 (Full Reduction)

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