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22 Killed in Shootout Between Police and Cartel

22 killed in shootout in northern Mexico

The shootout occurred in Villa Unión, Coahuila on November 30th, the only date with Jewish gematria of 1331

Villa Unión, Coahuila and November thirtieth both = 1331 Jewish

November 30th had primary numerology of 80(11) + (30) + (20) + (19) = 80

"Drug cartel shootout" = 80 (Full Reduction)

This drug cartel shootout occurred  a little bit south of the border town of Eagle, Pass Texas

"Eagle Pass, Texas" = 80 (Reverse Reduction)

22 people are said to have been killed. If you add every number 1 through 22, you get a sum of 253, matching the gematria of the city this shootout occurred in, Villa Unión, Coahuila, Mexico.

"Villa Unión, Coahuila, Mexico" = 253 (English Ordinal)

Original reports claimed 19 people were killed:

"Villa Unión, Coahuila, Mexico" = 109 (Full Reduction)

"להרוג (Kill)" = 19 (Hebrew Reduction)

"Drug cartel" = 109 (English Ordinal)

"Shooting" = 109 (Reverse Ordinal)

Look how well the word shooting aligns with the date numerology of the incident:(11) + (30) + 2+0+1+9 = 53, 1+1 + 3+0 + 2+0+1+9 = 17 and November 30th is the 334th day of the year

Shooting = 53 S Exception, 107 Ordinal, and 334 Primes

In English Extended, drug cartel sums to 730

"Drug cartel" = 730 (English Extended)

The Governor of Coahuila was in his 730th day in office on the date of the shootout, and was 73 days after his birthday:

73 is a number associated with death and sacrifice.

"Sacrifice" = 73 (English Ordinal) "Ritual sacrifice" = 73 (Full Reduction)

"Eagle Pass, Texas" = 73 (Single Reduction)

His name also has matching gematria with the date.

"Miguel Riquelme" = 211 (Reverse Ordinal)"November thirtieth" = 211 (English Ordinal)

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