Disney Actor Cameron Boyce Dies @ 20
Disney actor Cameron Boyce is reported to have died on July 6th, written 7/6
Boyce was a star of the Disney show Jessie, which aired its final episode in 2015 on the date leaving 76 days in the year:
The 76th Prime number is 383
He died exactly 3 years, 8 months, 3 weeks after that finale:
The date Boyce died can also be written 6/7
His cause of death has 6767 gematria:
“Jessie” ran for exactly 211 weeks:
Eclipse Crucifixion Code
Jesus is the son of God. The Sun is 93 million miles away. The show “Jessie” first aired on September 30th, written 9/30. Boyce died 93 months later:
A more precise measurement reveals Boyce’s death occurred a span of exactly 7 years, 40 weeks after the show’s debut:
The 74th Prime number is 373
In the Prime numbers cipher, Cameron Boyce sums to 373
Boyce’s date of birth had numerology of 151 and 43
He had a Life Lesson number of 61
His last name has 888 gematria using Square numbers, which is the Greek Isopsephy of Jesus
On the date he died, Boyce was a span of 20 years, 40 days old:
The crucifixion of Jesus Christ occurred during an eclipse
Cameron also has overlap with Christ in Jewish gematria:
His Ordinal gematria points us to the eclipse crucifixion code
Adam Sandler
Boyce starred alongside Adam Sandler in the movie “Grown Ups”, prompting a Tweet expressing his condolences.
Boyce died on a date with a Life Lesson number of 25
Notice how Sandler is 52 years old. This death occurred on a date with Full numerology of 52
Adam Sandler has a really interesting birthday. He was born on September 9th, 1966, written 9/9/66, which contains the number 99 both regularly and upside-down.
Boyce was born in ’99
The 99th Prime number is 523
On the date of Cameron’s death, Sandler was 52 years, 300 days old:
Boyce’s death occurred at the age of 20 years, 1 month, 8 days:
With the end date, his age looks like the year he died in, 2019.
In Septenary, the word death sums to 23
23 squared is 529
“Murder” = 529 (Extended)
Boyce died on a date with Reduced numerology of 23