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Jeffrey Epstein Arrested on Sex Trafficking Charges

Billionaire Jeffrey Epstein arrested and accused of sex trafficking minors, sources say

"Jeffrey Edward Epstein" = 322 (Reverse Ordinal)

"Sex trafficking" = 666 (Jewish)

666 is revealed to be the number of the Beast in Revelation 13:18. In 2008, Epstein was convicted of soliciting underage prostitutes. He only served 13 of the 18 months he was sentenced:

He served 13 months before being released for a year of probation.

In June 2008, after Epstein pleaded guilty to a single state charge of soliciting prostitution from girls as young as 14,[18] he was sentenced to 18 months in prison.

This news breaks on a date with a Life Lesson number of 267 + 7 + 2+0+1+9 = 26

The 26th Prime number is 101

"Jeffrey Edward Epstein" = 101 (Full Reduction)

Epstein and Lolitas both = 88 Ordinal & 101 Reverse

Epstein was originally charged 11 years ago.
Notice how CNN last updated the article at 7:30

"Jeffrey Epstein" = 73 (Full Reduction)

"Children" = 73 (English Ordinal)

"Sex Trafficker" = 73 (Single Reduction)

Epstein has the same gematria as Minors in 3 of 4 base methods:

Epstein and Minors both = 88, 34, and 38

Jeffrey Epstein and sex trafficking both sum to 71

Sex trafficking and Jeffrey Epstein both = 71

71 has been a huge number lately. This was the focal point of the death of Tyler Skaggs, then we had a 7.1 earthquake in Southern California. So it’s interesting that Jeffrey Epstein also has overlap with earthquake.

Jeffrey Epstein and Earthquake both = 163

"Prostitute" = 163 (English Ordinal)

Even the name of his investment firm has the same Reduction gematria:

J. Epstein & Co and Earthquake both = 44 & 55

Epstein was born January 20th, or 1/20

"Sex trafficking minors" = 120 (Reverse Reduction)

His full name matches the gematria of the date:

Jeffrey Edward Epstein and January twentieth both = 218

In Ordinal, Sex trafficking minors sums to 240

"Sex trafficking minors" = 240 (English Ordinal)

This matches the date’s Tiny numerology:7 + 7 + 1+9 = 24

On the date of his arrest, Epstein was 167 days after his birthday:167 Days

167 is the 39th Prime number

Jeffrey Epstein‘s Life Lesson number is 39(1) + (20) + 1+9+5+3 = 39

"Jeffrey" = 39 (Full Reduction)

"Epstein" = 309 (Jewish)

Lolita = 39 & 93 Reverse

His birthday also has Full numerology of 93(1) + (20) + (19) + (53) = 93

"Propaganda" = 93 (English Ordinal)

Billionaire sums to 106 in the alphabetic order, matching Epstein’s name in Reverse:

"Billionaire" = 106 (English Ordinal)

"Jeffrey Edward Epstein" = 106 (Reverse Reduction)

The 16th Prime number is 53

Epstein was born in the year ’53. His first indictment in 2008 was the result of a 53-page investigation:The investigation resulted in a 53-page federal indictment

This matches today’s Full numerology:
(7) + (7) + (20) + (19) = 53

Today’s standard numerology is 33(7) + (7) + (19) = 33

"Jeffrey" = 33 (Reverse Reduction)

"Sex" = 33 (Reverse Ordinal)

He was arrested July 6th, written 7/6, and news broke 7/7. These numbers are comically found in the gematria of Lolita Express, the nickname for Epstein’s personal Boeing 727.

Lolita Express

Headline Gematria

"Billionaire Jeffrey Epstein arrested and accused of sex trafficking minors, sources say" = 840 (English Ordinal)

Masonry = 84, 33, and 39. Jeffrey = 33 and 39

The 84th Prime number is 433

"Jeffrey Edward Epstein" = 433 (Franc Baconis)

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