Helicopter Crashes in New York City
The crash occurred on a date with 55 numerology:
The helicopter crashed onto the Helipad of the AXA Equitable Center
Today is the 161st day of the year:
The building is located on Seventh Avenue
The 161st Prime number is 947
1.61 is the Golden Ratio
Today is 161 days (160 without the end date) after the date New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, who has been the media spokesperson for his incident, took office:
Numbers of Freemasonry
In Ordinal, AXA Equitable Center sums to 303
The building is located at 787 7th Ave.
The helicopter crashed at 1:43 pm:
Governor Andrew Cuomo is in the 187th day of his age:
Masonic sums to 223, matching the headline gematria:
Headline Gematria
227 is associated Pi, or 3.14, which allows us to calculate the mathematics of the circle
(Alt+227) = π (Pi)
22÷7 = 3.14