Shooting @ Synagogue in Poway, California
The top story today is a synagogue shooting in Poway, California, which was incorporated on December 12th, 1980.
This makes the town exactly 2002 weeks, 1 day old:
CNN’s article features a video with witness Christopher Folts being interviewed.
The Bavarian Illuminati was founded with 13 families.
Notice how CNN’s banner quotes the Mayor of Poway, claiming 1 was killed and 3 were injured. This is interesting, because as proven by this article, Mayor Steve Vaus was sworn in on Tuesday, December 18th, which was exactly 130 days before the shooting:
13 is the primary ritual / hoax code. This event took place on the 117th day of the year:
The shooter’s last name was Earnest. Last month, I made this post on a bizarre pi tribute for Jim Varney, who played the character Ernest P. Worrell. That was also in California, and it was 1 month, 17 days ago:
The Bavarian Illuminati was founded on a date with 99 numerology:
Eclipse / Chaos Code
Today is a span of 67 days before the next total solar eclipse
Exactly 67 days before the shooting, Manny Machado signed the largest deal in MLB history to play for the San Diego Padres. Again, Poway is a suburb of San Diego, whose current Mayor was born in ’67 and was re-elected on June 7th, or 6/7
The name of the shooter in today’s incident is John T. Earnest
67 is the 19th Prime number
Earnest is 19 years old
It’s been 19 years since Ernest died

Recall, October’s synagogue shooting in Pittsburgh fell on a date with 19 numerology.
19×19 = 361
The Bavarian Illuminati is 361 days after the anniversary of its inception:
1919 is the gematria of 1331, the ultimate solar eclipse number.
October’s shooting also had 75 numerology:
The two synagogue shootings were a span of 183 days apart:
San Diego Mayor
The shooter’s name is spelled Earnest, but remember, the name Ernest, who this ritual is a tribute to, sums to 1331 in both Square number ciphers, which syncs up with Poway
The Mayor of San Diego, Kevin Faulconer, has matching gematria with Ernest P. Worrell
Faulconer has been in office for exactly 1881 days:
Ernest sums to 81 in both Ordinal methods:
Today is a span of exactly 19 years, 11 weeks since Jim Varney, who played Ernest, passed away:
The 9/11 attacks were 191 months, 10 days before the 2017 Great American Eclipse:
9/11 was a Tisha B’Av ritual.
Tisha B’Av also matches the Ordinal value of Poway’s mayor.