All-Female Spacewalk Cancelled / UFO Appears Instead
See my original post on the all-female spacewalk
In my post linked above, I talked about how this ritual revolved around the number 227.
227 is the 49th Prime number
They were born 4 months, 9 days apart:
Their spacewalk was scheduled for March 29th
March 29th is 4 months, 9 days after the ISS’s launch date:
March 29th is written 3/29
The 329th Prime number is 2207
In an unfortunate development for feminism, Anne McClain had to cancel because her spacesuit was not the right size. Kind of ironic that clothing is the reason a man had to step in and take her place, isn’t it?
Anyway, she was placed by Nick Hague, who was hilariously 2270 weeks old:
He was also a span of 187 days after his birthday:
The spacewalk fell on a date with a Life Lesson number of 44
Hague, who is in his 44th year since birth, is 44 months (or 193 weeks) older than Anne McClain, whom he replaced in space:
The 44th Prime number is 193
The name Hague sums to 42 like outer space
While Hague was in outer space on his walk, a UFO appeared
113 is the number of dishonesty. Notice how “FRENZY” is also in all caps.
2001: A Space Odyssey was released in ’68. On the date of this news story, NASA was exactly 60 years, 8 days old:
Meanwhile, the International Space Station was exactly 1062 weeks old:
Anne McClain’s full name sums to 191
191 is the 43rd Prime number
She was replaced by 43-year-old Nick Hague
He’s from Belleville, KS
The Moon’s most significant cycle is the 19-year Metonic cycle
Metonic cycle sums to 127 in Ordinal:
Hague was born on a date with Full numerology of 127
His birthday falls a span of 1 month, 27 days after NASA’s date of formation:
When the ISS was launched, Hague was 1 month, 27 days after his birthday:
His spacewalk was performed alongside Christina Koch. His birthday falls 127 days before Koch’s:
When combined, their names sum to 127
Their full names sum to 171
NASA was 17 years, 1 month old when Hague was born:
The ISS is said to be orbiting at 17,100 mph: