Auschwitz Survivors – The Ovitz Family
It’s said the Ovitz family was the largest family of dwarves ever recorded.
In Reverse, dwarves sums to 97, matching the gematria of their home:
We’re told their ages are 15-58
Ovitz family sums to 158 and 58
The Ovitz family was admitted to Auschwitz on May 12th, 1944:
There were a total of seven dwarfs in the family:
Seven dwarfs? Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs was released in ’37
Their admission to Auschwitz II–Birkenau was exactly 333 weeks, 3 days after the movie’s initial release, and 2290 days after the U.S. release:
The name Ovitz has matching 25 and 29 gematriot with Dwarf and Pi
The first three digits of Pi are 3.14, matching the gematria of the camp at which they were discovered: