Auschwitz Physician Josef Mengele
A famous physician from Auschwitz is named Josef Mengele. His nickname was the Angel of Death
116 is 911 upside-down.
Mengele was born in 1911
His birthday of March 16th is written 16/3 in Germany
163 is the 38th Prime number
Mengele’s death fell on the 38th day of ’79
On the date he died, Mengele was exactly 24800 days old:
It’s said that six million Jews died during the Holocaust.
Mengele died a span of 329 days after his 67th birthday:
The camp’s official name was Auschwitz-Birkenau
After WWII, Mengele fled arrest by sailing to Argentina
In Hebrew, kill sums to 19 and 244
Josef died in Bertioga, São Paulo, Brazil