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Lee Radziwill, Sister of Jackie Kennedy, Dead @ 85

Lee Radziwill was the younger sister of Jackie Kennedy

"Kennedy" = 33 (Full Reduction)

Lee Radziwill’s birthday was 3/3/33

"Eclipse" = 33 (Full Reduction)

The 33rd Prime number is 137

Radziwill died 137 days before the next total eclipse137 Days

She died a span of exactly 1880 days before the next Great American total eclipse in 2024:1880 Days

"Lee Radziwill" = 188 (Reverse Ordinal)

"Lee Radziwill" = 188 (Francis Bacon)

"Eclipse" = 39 (Reverse Full Reduction)

Radziwill’s birthday had Standard numerology of 39(3) + (3) + (33) = 39

"Jackie" = 39 (English Ordinal)

She died a span of exactly 39 weeks after the anniversary of her sister Jackie‘s death:39 Weeks, 0 Days

It was also the 9039th day since Jackie died:9039 Days

Jackie’s name at birth was Jackie Bouvier
Check out how each number in the base ciphers were attributed:

Jackie Bouvier = 131, 220, 59, and 85 in the base methods

Lee Radziwill lived for 1031 months:

1031 Months

Her birthday had a Life Lesson number of 223 + 3 + 1+9+3+3 = 22

"Kill" = 59 (Jewish)

59 is the 17th Prime number

Kill = 17 / 64, Lee Radziwill = 64

She died a span of 17 days before her birthday:17 Days

Lee Radziwill died at 85 years old, 85 days after the anniversary of the JFK assassination:85 Days

She would have been 86 next month.

"Blood sacrifice" = 86 (Reverse Full Reduction)

"Princess Caroline Lee Radziwiłł" = 410 (Reverse Ordinal)

41 is the 13th Prime number
13 is the 6th Prime number

"Lee Radziwill" = 136 (English Ordinal)

The Bavarian Illuminati began with 13 families.

"Bavarian Illuminati" = 188 (English Ordinal). "Lee Radziwill" = 188 (Reverse Ordinal) & (Francis Bacon)

Radziwill died at 1031 months, 13 days old, like 13 / 1131031 Months, 13 Days

Jackie Kennedy’s full name at birth, as well as her full name at death, both had 113 gematria:

"Jacqueline Lee Bouvier" = 113 (Reverse Full Reduction)

"Jacqueline Lee Kennedy Onassis" = 113 (Full Reduction)

113 is the 30th Prime number

"Kennedy" = 30 (Reverse Full Reduction)

Numbers of Freemasonry

Freemasonry was founded by the numbers of total solar eclipses.

Caroline Lee Radziwiłł = 189 Ordinal & 108 Reverse Reduction

Freemasonic = 108, 189, & 319. Masonic and Killing both = 319 in Satanic

She died on the date leaving 319 days in the year:

The date also had 29 numerology:(2) + (15) + 2+0+1+9 = 29

"Masonic" = 29 (Full Reduction)

Princess Caroline Lee Radziwiłł = 139 & 158. Freemasonry = 139, 158, 58, and 59. "Lee Radziwiłł" = 158, 58, & 59

She died a span of 350 days after her birthday:350 Days

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