Lee Radziwill, Sister of Jackie Kennedy, Dead @ 85
Lee Radziwill was the younger sister of Jackie Kennedy
Lee Radziwill’s birthday was 3/3/33
The 33rd Prime number is 137
Radziwill died 137 days before the next total eclipse
She died a span of exactly 1880 days before the next Great American total eclipse in 2024:
Radziwill’s birthday had Standard numerology of 39
She died a span of exactly 39 weeks after the anniversary of her sister Jackie‘s death:
It was also the 9039th day since Jackie died:
Jackie’s name at birth was Jackie Bouvier
Check out how each number in the base ciphers were attributed:
Lee Radziwill lived for 1031 months:
Her birthday had a Life Lesson number of 22
59 is the 17th Prime number
She died a span of 17 days before her birthday:
Lee Radziwill died at 85 years old, 85 days after the anniversary of the JFK assassination:
She would have been 86 next month.
41 is the 13th Prime number
13 is the 6th Prime number
The Bavarian Illuminati began with 13 families.
Radziwill died at 1031 months, 13 days old, like 13 / 113
Jackie Kennedy’s full name at birth, as well as her full name at death, both had 113 gematria:
113 is the 30th Prime number
Numbers of Freemasonry
Freemasonry was founded by the numbers of total solar eclipses.
She died on the date leaving 319 days in the year:
The date also had 29 numerology:
She died a span of 350 days after her birthday: