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Mars Opportunity Rover Lasted 5700 Days

After 15 years, the Mars Opportunity rover's mission has ended

Opportunity was launched on July 7th of 2003:

The mission officially ended February 13th of 2019:

This means the mission lasted exactly 5700 days:5700 Days

"Mars" = 57 (Reverse Ordinal)

"Rover" = 57 (Reverse Ordinal)

The Mars Rover was nicknamed Oppy

"Mars rover" = 57 (Single Reduction)

"Oppy" = 570 (Jewish)

Outer space & Conspiracy both = 57 in Reverse

It’s the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry in charge of NASA

"Scottish Rite" = 57 (Full Reduction)

Freemasonry = 139 & 58

NASA was founded in ’58

"NASA" = 139 (Francis Bacon)

The Opportunity Rover was launched less than one month after the Spirit Rover, which was sent up on June 10th, 2003:

NASA says they lost contact with the Opportunity Rover on the same date, June 10th, of 2018:

These dates are exactly 15 years apart:15 Years, 0 Days

"Mars" = 15 (Full Reduction)

The mission ended on a date with Full numerology of 54(2) + (13) + (20) + (19) = 54

"Opportunity" = 54 (Reverse Full Reduction)

The 54th Prime number is 251
Mars Opportunity landed on 25/1 in 2004

"Mars Opportunity" = 240 (English Ordinal)"January twenty-fifth" = 240 (Reverse Ordinal)

It was a span of 8 months, 4 days after last contact was made:8 Months, 4 Days

Mars Opportunity & Opportunity rover both = 84 in Reverse Reduction

"Masonry" = 84 (Reverse Ordinal)

Mars has the same gematriot as Moon

Moon & Mars both = 15, 51, & 57

The first Mars rover was launched 325 days after the anniversary of the Moon landing:325 Days

"Scottish Rite of Freemasonry" = 325 (English Ordinal)

On the date of this news, February 14th, the Sun is located at the 325-degree mark of the ecliptic.

To mourn the loss of the Rover, NASA put up this Tweet parodying lyrics of an Elton John song named Candle in the Wind

Elton John was born on 3/25 and was 325 days after his birthday:325 Days

"Mars" = 30 (Reverse Full Reduction)

Opportunity landed on Mars on a date with Standard numerology of 30(1) + (25) + (04) = 30

The 30th Prime number is 113

NASA was established on a date with 113 numerology:(7) + (29) + (19) + (58) = 113

113 is the primary number of deception
The Challenger disaster occurred 1:13 after launch
The Columbia disaster was the 113th shuttle launch
NASA’s current Administrator, Jim Bridenstine, was sworn into his role on the 113th day of the year:

"Elton John" = 113 (English Ordinal)

1:13 is 73 seconds

"Candle in the Wind" = 73 (Full Reduction)

NASA = 35 & 73 in Ordinal

Candle in the Wind was released on the 35th day of the year:

The word Mason also sums to 73, as well as 2662

Mason = 26, 62, 73

On the date of this story, NASA is exactly 60 years, 200 days old (62):60 Years, 200 Days

The Tweet has 2626 gematria:

"It seems to me you lived your life like a rover in the wind never fading with the sunset when the dust set in. Your tracks will always fall here, among Mars' reddest hills; your candle's burned out long before your science ever will. #ThanksOppy. I owe you so much." = 2626 (English Ordinal)

"Mars Exploration Rover" = 262 (Reverse Ordinal)

Although the mission ended yesterday, the news is primarily hitting the mainstream today, February 14th, which has 28 and 19 numerology:(2) + (14) + 2+0+1+9 = 28 & 2 + 1+4 + 2+0+1+9 = 19

This syncs up with the official name of the Opportunity Rover, Mars Exploration Rover – B

Mars Exploration Rover – B

28 is also the gematria of NASA in Reverse:

NASA = 35, 17, & 28

The date also has 35 and 17 numerology:(2) + (14) + (19) = 35 & 2 + 1+4 + 1+9 = 17

The news falling on the 14th is interesting for another reason. Think about how the first Mars rover, Spirit, landed on January 4th, written 1/4. The second rover, Opportunity, landed on a date with 14 numerology:1 + 2+5 + 2+0+0+4 = 14

The 14th Prime number is 43
The 43rd Prime number is 191

"Mars" = 191 (Satanic)

There were exactly 40 months, 3 weeks separating the seven manned Moon missions:40 Months, 3 Weeks, 0 Days

The Opportunity Rover was declared dead exactly 403 weeks after its sister rover, Spirit:403 Weeks, 0 Days

"Rovers" = 43 (Single Reduction)

Masonic = 29 & 43 in Reduction

Spirit took exactly 209 days to get to Mars:209 Days

It took Opportunity exactly 29 weeks to do the same:29 Weeks, 0 Days

The first Rover, Spirit, landed on Mars on the fourth day of 2004

"Mars" = 24 (Single Reduction)

The second one, Mars Opportunity, landed later that year:

"Mars Opportunity" = 240 (English Ordinal)

Their landing dates were separated by 21 days:21 Days

"Mars" = 201 (Jewish)

The 21st Triangular number is 231

"Mars" = 231 (English Extended)

By supposedly landing on the Moon barely 10 years after their establishment, NASA accomplished more in its first decade than it has since.

NASA’s full name has that special 666 gematria:

"National Aeronautics and Space Administration" = 666 (Reverse Ordinal)

In Satanic gematria, where Satanic gematria sums to 666, fake Moon landing also has this same value:Satanic gematria

6×6×6 = 216
NASA faked six Moon landings

"Six Moon landings" = 216 (Reverse Ordinal)

The first fake Moon landing of six was in ’69

"Fake Moon landing" = 69 (Full Reduction)

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