The States Decoded – #5 Connecticut
Connecticut has overlapping gematria with Metonic cycle in multiple base methods:
The Metonic cycle is a period of 19 years
Connecticut was admitted to the Union on 1/9
Their first Colonial Governor, John Haynes, died on 1/9 in 1654
1 + 9 + 5+4 = 19
Their current Governor, Ned Lamont, took office on 1/9
1/9 falls a span of 190 days after July 4th, which is Independence Day in the United States:
Connecticut’s first governor, Jonathan Trumbull, was born in Lebanon, Connecticut, where he ultimately passed away as well.
Because of the Metonic cycle, we often get a solar eclipse exactly 19 years after a previous one.
The 19th Prime number is 67
The number 127, which is the Ordinal gematria of both Connecticut and Metonic cycle, sums to 280 in the alphabetic order. That’s the same as the Hebrew value for total solar eclipse.
In English, total solar eclipse has a numerical value of 202, just like Jonathan Trumbull
Trumbull’s son, Jonathan Trumbull Jr., also became Governor of Connecticut. He took office 202 days after the anniversary of the date his father left office.
Trumbull died on a date with Full numerology of 127
Trumbull Jr. assumed the role on another date with 127 numerology:
Trumbull Sr. died 15 months, 4 days (or a span of 1 year, 97 days) after his last day in office:
127 is the 31st Prime number
Trumbull’s date of birth had a Life Lesson number of 31
His term in office lasted a span of 7 years, 31 weeks:
Trumbull Jr. assumed office when he was a span of exactly 3010 weeks old:
31 is the 11th Prime number
Trumbull Sr. took office on 10/10
The date he died also had 110 numerology:
So did the date Trumbull Jr. took office, where he stayed for 11 years:
His last day in office had Full numerology of 119
Trumbull shares Ordinal gematria of 119 with their first colonial Governor, John Haynes
That same date, May 13th, was the 134th day of a leap year:
Trumbull Jr. died 134 days after his 69th birthday:
On the date Connecticut was admitted to the Union, Governor Trumbull would have been 4030 weeks, 3 days old:
Trumbull was born in 1710. Connecticut was the first state from New England to be admitted to the Union.
More Eclipse Numbers
Jonathan sums to 83, a number related to eclipses in Hebrew:
He died 309 days after his 74th birthday:
The 39th Prime number is 167
Trumbull died 106 months, 7 days after he took office: