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Motorcade w/ Theresa May & Charles Michel Attacked

Vehicle rams into motorcade carrying British, Belgian PMs, injures 2 police officers - reports

Today is November 9th, written 11/9

It’s 119 days after the anniversary of when Theresa May took office:119 Days

She and Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel were headed to St. Symphorien War Cemetery

"St. Symphorien War Cemetery" = 119 (Full Reduction)

Most of the world writes the date as 9/11, which is 116 upside-down

"Charles Michel" = 116 (English Ordinal)

(11) + (9) = 20

The cemetery is in Mons, Belgium

"Mons" = 20 (Reverse Full Reduction)

In Jewish gematria, Revelation sums to 119 like today’s 11/9 date

"Revelation" = 119 (Jewish Ordinal)

Revelation reveals the number of the Beast as 666Revelation 13:18 King James Version (KJV) 18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

"Six hundred threescore and six" = 313 (English Ordinal)

Today is the 313th day of the year:Day of Year: (Nov-9)

In Reduction, Revelation matches Mons, Belgium in both ciphers

Mons, Belgium = 49 & 59 in Reduction, same as Revelation

In Ordinal, Revelation sums to 121

"Revelation" = 121 (English Ordinal)

Theresa May has been in office for 121 weeks:121 Weeks

In Reverse, Revelation sums to 149

"Revelation" = 149 (Reverse Ordinal)

"Motorcade" = 149 (Reverse Ordinal)

Charles Michel has been in office for exactly 1490 days:1490 Days

1490 days is also a span of exactly 213 weeks:213 Weeks, 0 Days

The motorcade was headed to a World War One commemorative ceremony.

"World War One" = 2130 (Jewish)

Headline Gematria

In Revelation, the Beast rules for 42 months.

"Vehicle rams into motorcade carrying British, Belgian PMs, injures 2 police officers - reports" = 420 (Jewish Reduction)

In Reverse, 666 sums to 87

"Six six six" = 87 (Reverse Ordinal)

"Vehicle rams into motorcade carrying British, Belgian PMs, injures 2 police officers - reports" = 870 (Jewish Ordinal)

In Ordinal, it sums to 156, just like the number 33

"Six six six" = 156 (English Ordinal)"Thirty-three" = 156 (English Ordinal)

33 sums to 895 in Jewish gematria

"Thirty-three" = 895 (Jewish)

"Vehicle rams into motorcade carrying British, Belgian PMs, injures 2 police officers - reports" = 895 (English Ordinal)

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