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Google Doodle – Amanda Crowe

It’s not Amanda Crowe’s birthday, nor is it the anniversary of her death. First, consider that today has Full numerology of 58(11) + (9) + (20) + (18) = 58

The 58th Prime number is 271
Crowe died on the 271st day of a leap year:Day of Year: (Sep-27)

She was officially an Eastern Band Cherokee

"Eastern Band Cherokee Amanda Crowe" = 271 (English Ordinal)

Perhaps even more interesting is how old she would have been on today’s date:90 Years, 116 Days

Today’s date is written 9/11 in most parts of the world, and 11/9 here in the United States. This is just perfect for a North Carolina Woodcarver

"North Carolina Woodcarver" = 119 (Full Reduction)

"Indians" = 119 (Reverse Ordinal)

"Ritual human sacrifice" = 911 (Satanic)

9116 is the same number when you flip it upside-down.

"Divine feminine" = 911 (Jewish)

"Girl" = 116 (Jewish)

The word female sums to 67, the 19 Prime number

"Blood sacrifice" = 67 (Full Reduction) "Human sacrifice" = 67 (Full Reduction)

"Female" = 67 (Jewish)

"Indians" = 67 (Jewish Ordinal)

"Carver" = 67 (English Ordinal)

"North Carolina" = 67 (Full Reduction)

"Cherokee artist" = 67 (Full Reduction)

North Carolina also sums to 77, just like Amanda and Cherokee Indians

"North Carolina" = 77 (Reverse Full Reduction)

"Amanda" = 77 (Jewish)

"Cherokee Indians" = 77 (Full Reduction)

Carolina sums to 73

"Carolina" = 73 (English Ordinal)

Crowe died 73 days into her 77th year since birth:76 Years, 73 Days

"Sacrifice" = 73 (English Ordinal)

"Ritual sacrifice" = 73 (Full Reduction)

73 days is 10 weeks, 3 days

"Indian" = 103 (Jewish)

Including the end date, she was in the 74th day of her age

"Killing" = 74 (English Ordinal)

She was officially an Eastern Band Cherokee

"Eastern Band Cherokee" = 704 (English Extended)

73 days is also 2 months, 11 days:2 Months, 11 Days

"Ritual human sacrifice" = 211 (English Ordinal)

"Killing" = 211 (Primes)

In Reverse, Eastern Band Cherokee sums to 340

"Eastern Band Cherokee" = 340 (Reverse Ordinal)

"Murder" = 34 (Full Reduction)

"Indians" = 34 (Full Reduction)

"Amanda" = 34 (English Ordinal)

Her birthday had Reduced numerology of 347 + 1+6 + 1+9+2+8 = 34

"Amanda Crowe" = 304 (Primes)"Woodcarver" = 403 (Primes)

Crowe, of Cherokee heritage, was born on a date with Full numerology of 70 and a life lesson number of 43(7) + (16) + (19) + (28) = 70 & (7) + (16) + 1+9+2+8 = 43

"Cherokee" = 70 (English Ordinal)

"Indians" = 70 (English Ordinal)

"Cherokee" = 43 (Full Reduction)

"Indians" = 43 (Single Reduction)

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