Google Doodle – Amanda Crowe
It’s not Amanda Crowe’s birthday, nor is it the anniversary of her death. First, consider that today has Full numerology of 58
The 58th Prime number is 271
Crowe died on the 271st day of a leap year:
She was officially an Eastern Band Cherokee
Perhaps even more interesting is how old she would have been on today’s date:
Today’s date is written 9/11 in most parts of the world, and 11/9 here in the United States. This is just perfect for a North Carolina Woodcarver
9116 is the same number when you flip it upside-down.
The word female sums to 67, the 19 Prime number
North Carolina also sums to 77, just like Amanda and Cherokee Indians
Carolina sums to 73
Crowe died 73 days into her 77th year since birth:
73 days is 10 weeks, 3 days
Including the end date, she was in the 74th day of her age
She was officially an Eastern Band Cherokee
73 days is also 2 months, 11 days:
In Reverse, Eastern Band Cherokee sums to 340
Her birthday had Reduced numerology of 34
Crowe, of Cherokee heritage, was born on a date with Full numerology of 70 and a life lesson number of 43