Comedy Central Roast – Bruce Willis
The Roast of Bruce Willis aired on July 29th earlier this year:
July 29th is a span of 133 days after Bruce Willis’s birthday:
133 sums to 1331 in Jewish gematria, an extremely significant number
The date July 29th is written 7/29
729 in the Octal system is 1331
133 days is also exactly 19 weeks:
The date had full numerology of 74
The date has reduced numerology of 29 and a life lesson number of 47
The date had multiplicative numerology of 2016
2016 is the 63rd Triangular number. Bruce Willis was 63 years old:
Willis Tower
1331, the significant number mentioned above, is 11×11×11
33 is also a significant number of ritual. It’s 11+11+11
The Roast aired on Comedy Central, initials C.C. or 33
Bruce Willis’s real name is Walter Bruce Willis, which means his initials are W.W. or a sideways 33. He also has birth numerology of 33
The second-tallest building in the United States is the Willis Tower, which was the tallest building in the world for 25 years. It used to be known as the Sears Tower, but changed its name to Willis exactly 3300 days before the roast aired:
The roast was recorded two weeks earlier on July 14th, which was 16 weeks, 5 days after Willis’s birthday:
Not including the end date, the roast aired 132 days after Willis’s birthday:
Willis was born in ’55
Bruce Willis’s Birthday
Willis was born on the 78th day of the year
The date had a life lesson number of 42
The date also had standard numerology of 77
When the Roast aired, Willis was in his first day of his 3307th week since birth:
Pi is 3.14
3:14 on a clock is 194 minutes