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SiriusXM Buys Pandora for $3.5 Billion

SiriusXM is buying Pandora in $3.5 billion deal

SiriusXM is a satellite radio company. The word satellite sums to 350, reflected by the amount of the deal, $3.5 billion.

"Satellite" = 350 (Jewish)

The word Radio sums to 144 in Jewish gematria:

"Radio" = 144 (Jewish)

This same number appears when you combine the gematria of SiriusXM and Pandora

"SiriusXM - Pandora" = 1044 (Jewish)

In the alphabetic order, there are only two numbers that sum to 144 when spelled out:

"Forty-four" = 144 (English Ordinal)

"Seventy-one" = 144 (English Ordinal)

Today has a life lesson number of 44 and full numerology of 71
(9) + (24) + 2+0+1+8 = 44(9) + (24) + (20) + (18) = 71

In the alphabetic order, Radio sums to 47

"Radio" = 47 (English Ordinal)

Notice how these are the same numbers as the word Time"Time" = 144 (Jewish)"Time" = 47 (English Ordinal)

4×7 = 28
Prior to SiriusXM, the company was simply called Sirius Satellite Radio. They were founded 28 years, 4 months, 7 days ago:28 Years, 4 Months, 7 Days

"Pandora Radio" = 208 (Reverse Ordinal)

SiriusXM was founded on July 29th, 2008. That happens to be the 50th anniversary of the date NASA was established in 1958. Both companies launch objects into outer space.

"Outer space" = 57 (Reverse Full Reduction)

SiriusXM also sums to 57 in this same method:"SiriusXM" = 57 (Reverse Full Reduction)

Measuring from July 29th to the date of this announcement is 57 days:
57 Days

Today is exactly 57 weeks after the Great American total solar eclipse:57 Weeks, 0 Days

Pandora = Eclipse in all four base methods

Today has double 33 numerology:(9) + (24) = 339 + 2+4 + (18) = 33

"XM" = 33 (Jewish Ordinal)

"XM" = 330 (Jewish)

"Pandora" = 33 (Full Reduction)

The 33rd Prime number is 137
Sirius Radio was founded on the 137th day of the year:

33 is one of the primary ritual codes alongside 13. Notice how Sirius Satellite Radio and XM Satellite Radio went defunct on the 13th day of the year in 2011:

"Satellite" = 103 (English Ordinal)

The number 13 has Jewish gematria of 347

"Thirteen" = 347 (Jewish)

Sirius Radio was founded in 1990, exactly 340 months, 7 days before this deal:340 Months, 7 Days

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